Stretch, do I want to encourage?

Dialed back the power and raised the light. Significant changes in 5 days. Thanks for the help.


The job of the larger leaves, once full size, is to catch the light and transfer that energy into the new branches at its base. Also if u cut them too early the plant will have to spend energy on repairing. A general rule is not to remove any leaves until at least the second half of flowing. Personally I inly remove them when they can be removed by a firm tap.

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Thanks for that. I decided to let it go as is since it seems so healthy and happy

Your root is deformed. It ran into a chunk of bark or limb and it’s going to grow wonky the whole time. Sift your compost soil and peat for anything bigger than a pea. I can see the deformation on several places and it will not improve. It might stretch later but I doubt it. When you germinate and seeds have cracked, dont wait till the tap root is a half inch long to plant it and then cover it up with mulch compost full of trash.

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I think this deformation is due to the seed being kind of a mutant. The seedling had four cotyledons. Could be from the soil but it’s been an odd bird since it hatched

I dont like doing this, it’s a dud and I wasted space letting it go and it’s still growing I just bundled it up.

it was 3rd day still no plant so I carefully dug it out, the tap root had wrapped around a twig :roll_eyes: I missed during sifting. Took a heckuva shock and it fell behind my others. I had to compact my grow, germination went beyond my capacity so I had 7 where I could get 3 or 4 max. LST has saved me but I couldn’t be much happier with my grow, and I’m expecting at least a gram per watt. I just went with Macgyver mindset and put off those tents and dimmers and nets and complicated nutrient regimens.


Mutant :smile: I like that and its plausible as well :+1: I had to go take this pic, to show how the defect is still propagating. It has all the leaves curled downwards and curving…like its mimicking what happened to the tap root. Just observational evidence nothing scientific in my case, the mutant idea is a very good possibility too.

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So, they are starting to bud. Should I crank the light up to 100% and maintain 18/6? Or move to 12/12 at 100%? Currently at 18/6 at 60%. These are autos

Leave em 18/6 and 90 percent! I wouldnt crank the power supply to the max because it creates a bunch if heat and isnt as efficient. But if you can handle the heat, go ahead!

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The lead hooking might be a VPD issue… may wish to consult a VPD chart?

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She got taller.


Looking good!

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