Need some advice on plant size!

These are my two AK47 Autoflower plants. Both of them popped up from the soil on January 9th. This is all the bigger they are, no more than 10” tall, not quite sure why they’re different sizes. Based on that info and the picture, do these plants look to be on track or are they smaller than they should be? I just switched light power to 75% a few days ago and the light is around 15” from the top of the tall plant. Mainly I’m concerned that these plants are going to start flowering soon and these plants aren’t going to get any bigger. Proper temps and humidity levels. Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil. Mars Hydro TS1000 for the light. I water them with creek water. Thanks


Looks like your light height and intensity is alittle off, hence the stretch. What kinda light do you have and how high is it from the plants? Other than that looking good.


Sorry just saw mars hydro light. I have the same light in my clone/seedling tent.


Should I change to 100% light intensity? Lower the light closer to the plant?

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Good Morning!! I agree you need to crank that light up to 100%.


Ok I will. Maybe they are stunted from not receiving enough light early in the grow?

Very possible, I would go up in light intensity but not crank it up all the way yet. Download photone app and stick around 600 ppfd for veg and 800 for flower.


Also might start to consider transplanting to bigger pot.


I doubt they are “stunted” - I grew an auto that flowered at 16 days old and 4.5 inches tall. I couldn’t believe it! She stretched out to 20 inches - doesn’t sound like much but she just produced a nice 2 ounces, not bad for a shortie.

I grew her under a Mars TS1000. It’s not a bad light for one (maybe two?) plants. I would suggest getting the Photone app - I’m going to refer you to a thread about DLI, which really helped me get my tiny girl going. Using DLI

Good luck with your grow! Remember Autos have a mind of their own.


I guess we were typing at the same time! As my kids used to say “jinx”! :wink:


I’m thinking of topping one and doing the LST method and leaving one to grow as it wants to. Any reason not to do one of those?


Welcome to the community very nice, I recommend a transplant to Final home Bigger pot ,they will take off. Keep up the good work.


Right!!! I literally was about to post about DLI haha

None I can think off, I would transplant and let them rebound first before any LST.


No, though they say you shouldn’t top autos, my friend decided to top his - TWICE - and he grew a monster. He also used LST. Here’s a pic of his girl.

So! You can have some nice results. I’m giving it a try in my new grow - once they have grown past sprouts.


I always laugh when I see her stem. I told him he’s going to need a chainsaw to harvest!


Oh, and I let my Lucy grow pretty much naturally - I had to pull out her bottom branches a bit in week 5 because they were all growing straight up - she would have looked like a buddy pencil!


I’ve got two of these plants in a 27”x27”. Should I put them in 3 or 5 gallon grow bags?

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Ya I prefer 3 gallon these days for space, they still get just as big. I did use 5 gallon, but was going through a lot of medium.


I don’t think that is a good idea. You may end up with significant height differences unless you bend and tie off the untopped one. I would top both or bend both.