Germinated on March 1st, that’s 14 weeks ago and she’s only about 14" tall.
Autoflower in a “Pot for Pot” setup, grow tent on 24 hr blue light, recovering from a slight overwatering stint. So I have to think I lost about 2 weeks of growth there.
But when should I be expecting it to start its flowering stage? Or is she basically on schedule?
Also, should I be pruning the lower leaves?
Autos usually start flowering within 4 to 7 weeks. You can get one that takes longer. I would swap from 24-hour light schedule to 12/12 light schedule. Plants benefit from a dark cycle.
OK, I just changed it to a 12/12. I read somewhere on here that Autoflowers can go 24/0, but I’m willing to try something at this point. I just felt like it’s taking way too long.
You should see it start flowering in the next 7 to 10 days. Autos will grow with just about any reasonable Light schedule. Lot of people like 18 /6 I have grown under 18 /6 and 12/12 they do fine.
It could be genetics, not the best light and if the main stalk was not so tall I would say lower the light, but 6” is too close in my opinion. 12-16 would be a better distance for 600 watts and above. Some at 12”. I’ve had seeds of the same strain grow differently. You should have been in flower by day 28-30 and usually see pre-flowers. If you have a veg and flower light try turning both on.
Really drooping! May be watering too much. But I definitely agree that your light is not enough for it to do its thing. If finances are available, get a good light. @dbrn32 can help with that. Also, a good PH tester! Don’t cheap out on it either. Around $50 on Amazon. Apena 20 is good. Ph your water EVERY time. I would put on 18/6 until you get those leaves to stand out and flatten.
OK, some good news on this.
First, I bought a 1200w grow light as well as a Water, Ph and Light meter.
The light seems to have made a great impact for sure. Granted I allowed the plant to dry out a bit from the over-watering issue.
I topped it a couple of weeks ago and now, as of yesterday, I’m actually seeing pistils growing in numerous spots.
It’s grown like crazy, just look at the two pics…one, the original picture for this thread and then the second from today.
I was finally able to spend some money and get a decent set-up. I was going on the cheap at the start and well, it showed. Lesson: Don’t go cheap.
Oh FFS! Here we go again. Just when I thought things were starting to go good, I go to water the plant today and see this.
Leaf Septoria? On an indoor grow? It’s never been outside, hell it’s only been out of the grow tent 3 times…for the 3 pics in this thread.
I’m to the point of ending it’s way too long life. I mean jesus, it germinated the first week of March and due to the issues in this thread, is it really worth hoping to get any type of harvest? And if so, how good can it be?
I’ve already got more seeds soaking as we speak in hopes of having something, anything by October.
Well, after some reading, I’ve cut off any and all leaves showing any type of sign of this and added a direct and very deliberate application of neem oil, which was due for today anyways. Let’s see if it recovers. Hoping I caught is soon enough.
Ok, week what…28…this poor plant has had to deal with my rookieness. Buds are smaller than I expected, but I made numerous mistakes along the way so it is what it is. Hopefully next plant (2 weeks in) will do better.
Anyways, I think it’s time to harvest this poor thing and move on. Sorry about the pics, best I could get with out having a tripod…im old n too shakey.
I would let here go another week or so. I’m still seeing a lot of clear Trichomes and long pistils. The Trichomes should be measures at the bud and not the leaves, they’ll turn amber sooner than the bud. The pistils will recede back into the bud when she’s nearing finish