So as we are a month and a few days into legalization in VA, I wanted to create a spot for the VA community to post pictures of their grows and discuss the excitement, frustration and/or absurdity of new laws. It’s definitely exciting times not to be worried about “The Man coming down on ya” here in VA. So let’s see those pictures and chat VA!
Set to watching from a state still behind yours! Congrats VA! Be careful of the red tape and happy growing!!
Very nice @CygnusX1
I would love to tag along!!
Great job! Looks amazing!!!
Here’s a link to my first grow:
And current / ongoing:
I’m late. My feminized Purple Haze sprouted 7/1. I moved them outdoors that day and they grew like weed! Still have 3 months to go, maybe. Have a great grow!
Look nice and healthy!!! Thanks for sharing! Best of luck with your grow!
Hello from the middle of the state Enjoying finally being able to have my plants under Mother Nature’s grow lights . Out of the tents they can all they were supposed to be.
The big girl is 8’2" and just finishing that final stretch they go through in transition to flowering
Those are trees!
Oh my! I asked for pictures of plants… not Redwoods! But seriously, great job and happy growing!!!
Yeah buddy I have ALWAYS wanted to be able to grow where I didn’t have the restrictions on size a tent gives you. 3 are clones and 3 are Bruce Banner seeds . The big clone in the ground is a Maui and 1 on the deck . The other clone is a Gold leaf . All my friends are starting to close the drapes when they see me coming now . I have been practicing my cloning and when they take I grab up 4 and make people at least try to grow yourself a few oz of free smoke . Now everyone has the 4 legal plants going and are happy I bugged them
Naw you want to see some trees let me tag in @Cannabian this norther brother grows some beasts
That is a great problem to have my friend! I plan on giving away some of my yield to friends. Wish I was as far along as you!
I have been playing with growing about 6 years now . And just now starting to get to where 80% of my clones root . It was always a weak piont so when these took I used how wild clones grow outside to practice. I had 8 plants to begin with but made a butt load of new baby plants out of a couple . Look at how many more clone sites a clone has to take from than a plant grown from seed
Holy crap that’s thick
Thats what all the gurls say
Im not sure that thats going to be always true, definately strain specific. This lebanese is from seed and has never been topped. It has branches for miles. Mostly because I want it ti vrow out naturally as its the firat Lebanese Ive grown. Once I know how they grow, I get a better understanding of what to donto make them more productive.
It has a beautiful growth habit naturally! Happy growing!