First time growing, should I trim these big leaves off to allow more light to go where it matters more? I’m assuming the answer is yes, but which leaves should I go for and where along the stem do I make the cut? I’ve noticed it’s been slightly drooping down.
I sprayed some bug repellent on it before taking the picture, so it looks a bit wet in the pictures.
I trim the heck out of mine. But imo, you do not need to yet. Just a couple off the lowest point at this time. I also would stop misting the leafs. Unless its a minute or two b4 lights out.
I don’t actually mist the leaves regularly, I just sprayed them this morning because I noticed a bug. Should I cut the really big leaves at the bottom off?
Preference. But i always start at the bottom and work my way up over time. Easier to water, focus more energy higher up. Ideally, trim off the bottom third cleaned up. But some will say its not good. My yields have only increased with time, coincidentally or not.