Opinions on these leaves please

Should I cut these (4) monster leaves off so the rest of the plant can get some light or no?


If you cant clip off single fingers or tuck them, I would clip them off. Just my opinion.


If you are planning on growing those lower nodes out then I would trim the couple largest fan leaves to open it up and get those nodes some light. Plant looks well enough established that you can trim some without hurting overall growth more than a day or so before those lower leaves pick up and take off.


If you can’t tuck or tie…might as well pluck it.


I would trim them off


Definitely for me. What you growing.

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The 3 on the left are train wreck 3 on the right are white widow. All photos.


Oh cool. To bad the 2 are behind the others but thats the way it is sometimes. I grow photos only.
If you want a look check out the thread DRsDank just put up some new pics of what I’m cutting down


With the two small ones I really just wanted to see if my light will do 6. I think it will. If they are still doing good in a month I’ll leave them if not they’ll go outside.:+1:

What light do you have.

Hlg 600r 4x4x8 tent

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That light should be plenty to fill that tent wall to wall!

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Oh yah you should be rocking it

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Your light may be a little close. Raising it or dimming may help getting the nodes off of each other.

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Thanks. I’m still learning and experimenting. This is only my third grow.(already trying to figure out if I can make room for another tent!!) I’ve started to read the grow bible about 3 times but life gets in the way.