I am planning on germinating a few seeds next weekend for my 2nd grow. I would like to keep the little buggars upstairs with me for the first week or 2, what lights are best for emerging seedlings?
Something not too expensive, just a temporary thing until I move them down to the grow room.
I will be doing the typical germination process (water, paper towels) and then putting the seed with taproot in a rooting cube.
You can use anything you like for seedlings t5 floresent cfl etc. Only thing is that they need to be bright enough to keep them from stretching but not too hot.
Good info here so far. Small fluorescent tube, cfls, household led bulbs with diffusers removed will all work. You’ll just want to make sure you use a cold white color temp, something like 5000-6500k.
I bought a simple CFL grow light fixture for this purpose for like $30. 125W CFL, I can run it a couple inches above the seedlings and put them just about anywhere I can hang the light. I put them on a shelf and hang the light above them… this let’s me get seedlings all ready to go while I am drying my previous harvest and cleaning out the tent.
Hi @rodri59, all you need is a simple, cheap T5 to start your seedlings. Just don’t leave them under that for more than a week because they will start to stretch. I recommend a seedling starter set that you can get for about $30. They usually come with everything you need like a dome which keeps the humidity up – perfect for seedlings.
I use a CFL bulbs, one of those twisty type that screw in the old fashion way… I use a splitter that gives me 4- 45 watt cfl bulbs and I use this for my seedlings until they get mature enough… good thing is you can put them right above seedlings like 2-3 inches away… real easy @rodri59
Seedling dont need a lot of light @rodri59
i would use a small t5 fixture myself or cfl bulbs in the 4200k range for seed starting if its just a temp set up