Seedling leggy, no 2nd leaves

These pics were this morning. Been up 6 days. Too leggy and no second leaves yet. I live in southern Arizona. Humidity 20%. Outdoor hi temps 100F. Put it out in AM til temp gets over 85. Then it comes in and rotates in the windows to keep it in light. What am I doing wrong? Or is this ok?


I am new to all this so I am sure someone will respond who has more knowledge than me but maybe a clear plastic dome for a while to bring up the humidity

I started mine on a windowsill, by the time I planted them in their big pots (day 10 from sprouting) they were at least twice as leggy as yours with only one set of true leaves. I think you’re doing okay, if you think they’re too leggy then I would
Give them more light. I ended up burying the whole spindly stem up to the cotyledon leaves in their new pots and they’re thriving now (been 12 days since transplant). Mine are WW auto, outdoor grow in central VA.

I don’t have any pics of the leggy seedlings but the above pic is when I transplanted, there’s a lot of stem buried there.


Forgot to say seeds are OG Kush autoflowering. Thnx. Good to know.

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We cannot always control our enviro but this is way too low and will ultimately kill her. Seedlings need 80% humidity for at least the first week and preferable the first 2. A clear dome misted once per day on the inside should give her the biodome she needs to establish her root system.


Done. Good idea.

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Thank you! On it.

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Here is an example of what my babies live in for those 2 weeks.

$20.00 on amazon - Supersprouter with t5 flouro


Looks on par for 6 days Grow Sis. RH is super low, I would mist the seedling when you put back inside or a shade spot outside. Semper Fi :love_you_gesture:

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Super high temps and an unfavorable humidity level will stunt growth just a tad, but your plant looks good regardless. Marijuana plants do grow fast, but still take some time to see real results. But in a month, I can assure you you’ll at least begin to see the beginning of a big bushy monster. Find a way to raise the humidity and keep her cool with some water, just be sure not to overwater

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Thank you. Appreciate another Marine’s input any day! SF

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I have found those starter pots have an adverse effect on plant growth. I stopped using them altogether

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I put a dome over her and misted. I’ll keep an eye on the humidity. Thanks for encouraging words!


Welcome to the community Sis, tag me @OGIncognito and I’m setting to watch to tag along :love_you_gesture:

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Agreed. :100:
At the very least make sure you cut the webbing away when you transplant. :pleading_face:


Looks pretty good, but those peat pods gotta go. They will inhibit growth. You’ll have to use them this time, but I don’t recommend.


How do I tag you? Sigh

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How do I tag you?

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Just put the @ symbol before the name to tag. He will also see that you replied to him. :wink:

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Use the @ symbol and name :love_you_gesture: