Just entering my second week of flower…two of the plants are a week older due to issues at sprouting….should I be using a net until the canopy is uniform height now? Four different strains all have been mainlined to 8 mains…all photoperiod
Funny you ask. Mine’s going up tonight. I am at 1 week flower and have always put up my 3.5" x 3.5" net on the first day of 2nd week just to approx 3-5" above tops. In my experience, the 2nd week is where they explode and my flowers grow right into the net. No fuss.
I’m waiting on the lights to come on now and will send you a pic after tonight
Just finished. She’s drinking a half gallon just about every day now. Day 8 of flower. Growing close to an inch a day. I’d say she has another 6-8" till she stops growing up and starts growing wide. So I can move the net up or down as she gets thru this week to set up where the net will stay. It’s been a long time since I ran an Indica strain so they don’t grow as fast and tall as the Sativas…
I hope this helps…
You’ve got a great looking tent going on!
Looking nice. U did a great job.
Happy growing
This is my first experience with photos and mainlining…I hope I’m doing it right…my first grow was gsc autoflowers no training on them except the net once they flowered
Do you plan on doing any further defoliating on these?
Yes as needed. I keep the plant as airy as possible before flower to keep the fans blowing thru the plant. I watch the light penetration and will trim to get shade leaves out of the light for the tops to enjoy full power! It’ll get a little crazy here in a week or so, then she’ll just start fattening up. It’s all part of the fun.
Think I will be putting in the net tonight to start evening out the canopy…do I need more deflation?
It looks like you could easily remove from the bottoms and center of the plants. If they are close to each other I would also try to open up some space between them. Good time to do it while in early flower
Hoping I didn’t over do it on defoliation…. What little I’ve read on the subject says indoor grows on hydroponics can handle more aggressive pruning…here’s some before and after
Looked fine to me. Happy growing!
Such a pretty purple. Great job, not much longer.