Hey this is my first grow attempt and I’m hoping to learn everything I need to grow quality marijuana!
I have 4 Afghan fem seeds and 2 bag seeds from a dispensary bag I purchased that I have germinated. The bag seeds were started about a weed before the Afghan seeds. I germinated all seeds in a glass of water for about 18 hours and then placed in a damp paper towel. Once the taproot emerged I planted into happy frog soil with a little mykos. I am currently growing in a 2x4 closet with 8’ ceilings with white walls and 2 viparspectra xs1500’s. I have a humidifier inside the closet to help raise the humidity while an ac runs in the room to keep temperatures down in the high 70’s low 80’s. I run two fans in the closet to move air and leave the closet cracked while lights are on to keep temps down. The 2 bag seeds are at 7 and 10 days above ground and the Afghans were planted in the cups today so hopefully they’ll sprout in a few days. I have one the of xs1500 on at about 75% at 24” above cups. I plan to run both xs1500’s for flowering and also have a blurple that’s ~100w for a little extra light in flowering. I plan to keep as many of the plants that I can fit in the closet and will give the others away if they make it. I’m using the fox farms trio when the time comes as well as cal mag if needed. My tap water is only about 60ppm. Hoping to find any more information I can! When should I start feeding in the happy frog soil? Is my tap water ok to use or should I get a filter or ro system? I know I should be pHing the water to 6.5 and checking runoff pH and ppm. What’s a good rule of thumb in terms of pH runoff and ppm. Like where should it be? Also are there any other pH and ppm rules for water going in at different stages of growth? Sorry if any of my questions seem silly but I’m super new to this and hope to learn while I go through the process. I feel like I’ve read everything but then when it comes time I freeze up
Im doing 1 plant in happyfrog outside while i prefer coco im trying 1 of my clones in soil. I think 6 plants in a 2x4 will be too many. Here are a couple pics of my current grow. The yellow lighting is 4 gorilla glue 4 in a 6x8x96 and the more natural light is 3 g13 in a 4x4x80 and both are really tight. Im a newb so dont take my word for anthing these are just opinions. Welcome to the community others with lots of expertise will respond shortly.
Your ph should be between 6.3 and 6.8 for the whole grow as long as your in soil.
Ideally you want the ph of the water coming out to be the same as what you put in, or at least within the proper range. But don’t worry about watering to run off yet as they are too small still
I believe HF soil will last you about 4 weeks… @Bulldognuts will know though. Pretty sure he uses it
@Allinherhead -Thank you for your help! Yea I figured 6 plants would be way too many for my space but I wanted to plant enough to be able to choose the best ones to keep after seeing which ones sprout. Also, two are bag seeds so they could turn male potentially? Your grows look great! How many grows have you finished so far?
Brand new Fox Farm soils is good between 4 to 6 weeks. It will also depend how big the plants are. Bigger they are, the faster the nutrients will be depleted.
Sounds like a well planned out beginning, you have obviously done some research, lots of great people here, just tag us if you need anything.
Welcome to the community
Lol, finished is the keyword. Our first grow was 5 lemon haze autos in miracle grow soil which might have made a 1/4 oz of fluff. Second was my hydro in expanded clay ebb and flow, heater stuck on and literally burnt everything. 3rd was actually wife’s ( she let me under supervision carry water) for her that was raspberry cough made 8.4 oz of fairly tight bud that she is smoking now. And that’s it. So actually me by myself these two roo s will hopefully be my first finished grow. The gg4 under hps lights just started week 5 flower the other just started week 4. We will see how it goes. I’ve put a lot of safeties in play to catch problems hopefully before it’s too late this time. I love the stems stories on here. There are some awsome people here that are very helpful. If you keep posting on this thread I’ll watch and cheer ya on.
Welcome I would Just worry about ph in and ppm out check in about week 3 of veg you might see crazy # for runoff if you check to early I don’t know what nutrients you plan to use I start 1//2 strength when runoff ppm gets to between 800- 1200 fox farm soil has always Been good to me with ph probably a dozen grows with it I would Also start with cal mag and recharge once weekly at around week 2 the recharge will expand. Your ph range a little good luck happy growing
When using digital meters to read PH and TDS it says in the instructions that anything under 100 ppm is unreliable in PH or TDS 'cause there’s nothing there to read off. This means that when watering I would only leave stand for 24 hours to dissipate chlorine from the tap water and use: that pure water will instantly adopt the native PH of your soil. You do not need anything else.
I would not worry about runoff until your plants require watering daily. A clear Solo cup over the sprouts will be beneficial. Keep lights on 24/0 for the first 10 to 14 days and be ready to transplant around then. Your soil looks fairly wet: remember that young plants have no taproot and pull all of their water from the air through leaves. Best is to mist the inside of the dome once or twice daily which also exchanges the stale air. You need to be concerned about damping off your little ones.
I’m going to suggest that you let the plants tell you. I’m assuming you are going into fabric pots, likely 5 gallon. Your plants will be nearing flower before any supplements need to be added.
Read grow journals. Look at different training methods. Ask questions. You’ve got some good folks looking at your journal. If you have any issues tag me or any of the other mods.
Welcome aboard and sounds like you’re off to a solid start!
Following along for the ride as well.
I’m also in my first grow (just one plant) and can attest to how great this place is. Tremendous amount of great people willing to help and lots of awesome posts and journals to learn from!!