RE-Veging a continous grow garden

Summer 2022 is over. Fall rains arrived PNW 2 weeks late. Closed outdoor grow (started too late, trial from April 2022 plants in July/Aug as a REVEG to indoors (forum discussions pursued in practice).
Indoor tent plants from Aug doing good flowers, but no amber or brown, is causing me concern.
Althought flowers growing FOREVER may not be a bad thing, My fear would be from painful 1980’s experience called BURNING FLOWERS and garden grows (Louisiana). Temps being the next hurdle, the garage is my lung and tent habitat. While 50-75 will be winter temps . I wish not to buy heat as in new heat source. Solution, more hours lights. Problem PHOTOS or AUTOS? In my haste to start in the spring I dove in. WTF, for and experienced deep diver, leaping before looking is not advised. Forum reading did not support identification distinctions (all in flower) so I upped the light on time. Initially 12/12 went 13/11, then 18/6 then 9/3, and now 10/2 (in 2 weeks flipping changes almost daily, it seemed). Garage temps 55-75. REVeging indoors experienced, completed! Nice little stretch on all females. No Hermis, yet (like last time when I tried re-flip with 12 going to 24/0 LST, during garden PH issue not flip flowering, possibly. had Run-off at 5.0 for-ever so I terminated Spring grow and remixed FFOF soils with dolomite lime. Flowering still proceeding, stretch and small new leaves may support better budding (no bad below, but still white and starting to glisten nicely.
I grow SHORT canopies, so I can easily absorb some plant height. The Seedlings I started from the Spring grow were looking week and scrawney (INBRED?) , so in my panic ILGM-MauiWaui was 11/11 purchased (free 5-gold leaf seeds, too) . All plants love the current conditions. My early seeds were replaced with more mature from my grow and they are looking as healthy the ILGM, now. Here is a picture of the re-veg candidate. I took a big bud/cola/stalk from her before re-veging (not a full harvest stripping).

White flower buds looking good

A couple of females went “bush” and will be left alone till Keife mining.
Stretch at tips, sorry for the blur.

ILGM MauiWAui (started 11-11, in front of my seedling,startred 11-1) sharing center pictured planter.

Discussion encouraged


Looking awesome!
I reveg whenever I have the chance. Got 4 in reveg now.
The potency increases with each reveg, so having continuously more potent weed is a no-brainer. Looks like a great run for revegs.


New to concept, new to forum (3/2022) and reading discussions questioned potential for expanding grows to continous, not only year round, but same plants. I grew clones in 82 and moved them 2000 miles. The joy of long term relationships, with plants was experienced. This time, to experiment and understand I chopped the top and reveged the bottoom,. In for the ride and considering reveg tool adition.while seedling take time. The bush plants will be most fun for the trim bin flower and Keife recovery.


Heyyyy is 50F for a few hours going to bring the grow area down to 50F? I’d expect a little buffering from the cold enough to get through the ‘nights’ not hitting that low. I dunno just asking how much it changes inside.
I think plants in 10/2/10/2 would always be in veg. I notice the outdoor plants here flower when the nights get 10h in August.

For some strains 50f would be bad. Others not so much

My flowering plants stayed in flower, I hope. Noticable stretch , single leaves, and more.
As Gallagher (RIP) said, “no experimenting for me, full scale research”
Seedling will stay and veg. When Flowers build bud, again, Harvest time.
Pictured less than 2 weeks into changes. Harvested siblings for space

Should flowers go bad or Hermi. Chop and cure time.
Shared this unique regime for discussion, but I am commited.
The bush plants will be fun to Keife mine, in 2 months.
Last pictures, seeds frommy ten footer Sunflowers for next years grow,

Seed mining for all plants on premisis/property.
I hate buying seeds.


oh wow you budded them on short nights?
I did my first seed saving last year, ground cherries I plucked from my buddy’s garden. Peruvianis or something like that. I’ll keep them going forever now

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Above, I typed

The flowering garden has been in flowers for 2-3 months now (same as veg tent).
Then the changes were introduced for learning and control training.
Sharing with friends as I learn or read and wish to learn.
If I can keep them in flower, I win.
I top dressed (after waterboarding- flush 5 gal in 3 gal bag) and measured 6.5@1550.
Good place to resume flowering, now. Newly purchased ILGM MauiWaui and Gold Leaf, add to inventory and are growing since 11-11 planting.


sorry @DEEPDIVERDAVE I read too fast to absorb it all. Thanks, it’s really interesting what you’re doing

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I’ve have a Zkittles about 3wks from harvest that i no longer have seeds for…so i left some tiny popcorn buds down at the start of the trunk to do exactly what your doing.
Are you saying 10on/2off will get her to switch back faster? I may need some seedlings in there on 18/6

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The July 2022 re-veg flip went from 12/12 to 24/0 and cause 30% hermis.
Motivated because of power outages, seedling now germinated and in dirt, and needing heat, Something needed changing. Not wanting to repeat that experience I tried different. I flipped 12/12 to 13/11 then 9/3 and finally 10/2, twice daily. GOALS ACCOMPLISHED:
Results available seen in less than 2 weeks.
More heat for grow and lung room.
Seedlings get more total ON hours.
Forum reading supported OFF hours, less important than ON hours.
Flowering plants not ready for harvest, yet, unless…
No Hermis’ YET
IDKSfromS, but I am trying, sharing and posting.


@Spudgunner and other discussing or considering RE-Veg proceedure.

I realized the garden is frequ-ed from changes in lighting. The PNW temp, power outages, and just plain desire to learn, got me into this proceedure. The ladies have been showing displeasure with single blade leaves, stretching stems between single buds, and most regretably, slower growth. Yes, some flowers look less pretty. Admittedly half of the flowering plants flipped to Bush Babes.
Forum readings and Grow Store visit introduced “weed Trim-Bin” (not needed for weed seed recovery, but definitely good for Keife collection and smoking keife). Seedlings may not be thrilled, so I am increasing light on to achieve 12/12 from 10/2 (still twice daily), slowly 15 minutes daily (twice).

Stretch shown. Can’t be too bad, I smoke em regular.

As the seedlings mature, they get grow space in upper crown.
They stay short for how long, if started this way, maybe.
I want to see if flowers will fill stretch, so they got flushed, top dressed, fed, and measured.
Run-off Final 6.5@1550 (good for re-flowering, I would think.

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@DEEPDIVERDAVE I took a bunch of clones at/after the 12/12 flip and I have one that is struggling to reveg (I think it may be the youngest clipping - about 10 days into flower)

It looks similar to yours:

Next to a happy clone:

They are about 50 days old now, not sure if that one is stunted and a lost cause? Otherwise, I’ll put them into flower in a week or two and see what happens


CoyoteCody on ebay for plant training devices ( or similiar) . UNPAID advertisement, but LOYAL customer because awesome results with easy device. Not too many broken ladies.

Contributed to BOUNTIFUL fall seed crop.
Now is the time for training your pictured plant. and put it into flower.
Let it grow, let it grow song sings in my head often

I was given some cuttings in September, and took some then too, and they were starting to flower. Rooted them out in a jar of water so it took 5 or so weeks before they were ready to go to soil, but here they are after a reveg.

Nov 7th

Nov 13th, I call her Basil. If it weren’t for the “normal” leaves on the bottom, you’d never know she was pot plant.

2 weeks later, Nov 27th (day after I got back from 11 nights in Rome), she is starting to look more like a pot plant again. My son watered them while we were gone, but knows nothing about training or feeding. This was the first LST day, before bondage session.

And after. Have an old Queen song going thru my head right now! Any guesses?

Dec 5th, no longer looking like a basil plant, but I still call her Basil!

And Dec 11th, all the funkiness is gone, back to growing normal leaves, lots of them!

Tie Your Mother Down
Tie Your Mother Down
Give me all your love tonight!



I think if you hacked them down to a few nodes those in between ones would decide to switch from flower to veg more clearly. I think they get confused with both growth and flower hormones running rampant. That’s what I do anyway.

On my seeded clones, I have let the new reveg growth just go after picking off the seeded buds. And on a sister clone, I have just hacked the seeded budlets and the new reveged top growth. Essentially hacking the plant off at the bottom regardless of the top mixed growth. I have consistently found the hack is the way to grow. When I unleash them into the soil the hacked ones always outgrow the ones I left the reveg tops on (they are about 12”-14” tall at this point. They don’t stall out a few weeks figuring it out like the ones I leave the top growth on. They get right to it and start growing proper growth. Outdoor the season allows plenty of time for the not hacked ones to catch up. But the hacked ones are clearly taking off faster compared to the non topped ones.

As far as the lighting goes on reveg, I would not be afraid to try a 20 on, 4 off. I have found herming on 24 just like you. I have never had a problem with 20/4. I have also have males blow their load on 24 on. Go figure. (Yes I do keep keeper males).

I know you know my routine @DEEPDIVERDAVE with chucking the pollen on flowering clones and seedlings. Then reveg the winter and pick the seeds in time for reveg and spring planting. You should give it a shot. You will get hundreds to thousands depending on the size of the plants. I keep mine to 12” Bansai and I usually get 100-200 seeds per plant off the reveg. It’s great on new seeds to sex and keep a male. Than pollen as you reveg. It can be done in 8-12 weeks.

I think the biggest advantage to chucking pollen indoors all winter is you don’t fu** anyone else over releasing pollen outside.


Been smoking the hacks, rather than trip to Green Store.
Could be why they are short already. I hacked the toppest bud, always (almost) when shaping.
Garden grow directing me as you do and thankfully, dedicatedly, and i know whole heartedly, for your share. PRICELESS, or years growing to get here, maybe.

quote=“noddykitty1, post:16, topic:96092”]
switch from flower to veg more clearly.

Actually I want the flipped flowering to Re-veg (they have) and now I want then to go BACK to flowing, most are.
Too ugly for proud sharing pictures.or I shake too much. Good camera a buzz kill, manual upload.
Tents have 18-24 more space available for height, but I tend to chop high crown thins.
Peace Brothers!

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Are those ollas in your pots? Do you add nutrition through them or just water?

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Everything not nailed down gets added.
I have a feeding inventory to last the decade.
I over spend, overwater, and order anything just to have, read, try or break.
Jacks Kitchen sink, MG Acid/Flowering plant chemicals, Silica, kelp, MychorriBat Guano, and most importantly, Epsom salt, Dolomite Lime, worm casings, and peat moss (PH crashers for sure).
Tried unsulfered molasses (probably the real PH crashers food source, but flowers love it.
Bottle empty now.

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Nice, what volume are the ollas? I know some people like autopots but I like how ollas give the same benefits with lower tech. Where did you get yours?