You get more than you give or gave.
Growing is easy, drop a seed.
Kentucky Derby winners take training or luck.
Pray for both or either.
Killing seeds is easy, i do it regular.
Good seeds are expensive and not for wasting.
The grow goes better with good seeds, I spent more than you to learn how to make good smoke. It is easier to kill your grow than to get it full to prime.
Suggest never more than four seeds/plants at a time, unless you open the magic window.
Welcome, and good growing to you.
Harvard Law is cheaper than grow tuition.
I spent the year to learn and will double down with ILGM seeds anytime.
use Sale opportunities, after you learn.
I have paid $10.00 a seed, $10-25 a clone, $500.00 ILGM seeds, other seeds,
my bag seeds cost me half the years growth/grow and almost lost me the prime.
My thread is available for your reading.
Forum contributors supported my year of learning new tricks and techniques.
I knew how to drop seeds, clone ladies, and smoke weed.
I now know different.
Hope to see you at the 2024 Kentucky Derby.