I was just told that this companies seeds are not great. I read great reviews. I spent over a grand on seeds. What should I expect here. Good seeds or not.
I think you will find nearly everyone on this forum like ILGM for seeds and they have great support and guarantee.
I have had all good experiences with them.
I have had great success with ILGM seeds. Whoever said they are bad may have just repeated what they heard.
Check all these confirmed buds from ILGM seeds.
My grows of ILGM seeds have been great. Here’s the most recent plant that I harvested last November.:
The problem with rating ‘living things’ is, well, they’re living things and don’t always behave the way you want them to. There have been some negative reviews, mostly from ‘difficult’ growers who have for the most part moved on. ILGM has a germination guarantee because they trust their product. How they grow is mostly up to you.
I have used ILGM seeds almost exclusively and have yet to have a hermaphrodite or a sub-par plant. I’ve grown two plants from other breeders and both were a disappointment.
@g420g420 Ive used almost exclusively ILGM seeds for the past 3 years and every grow has been getting better. I think a lot of it is new growers and lack of experience. Dont get me wrong i imagine in this market there are bunk seed breeders and sellers but ive never had any issues with ILGM they didnt make right ASAP. Here lately i have ventured off to other seed providers and i can gurantee a majority dont have the same support (forum and customer) or the germination guarantee. Im not saying that ILGM has the best seeds but ive spent over a grand myself and have no complaints
Like @Myfriendis410 I have grown almost exclusively ILGM feminized photo period with excellent results (12 - 17 oz per plant) indoors.
As others have said, ILGM has a germination guarantee. After germination, it is up to the grower to establish a proper growing environment.
I have bought seeds from ILGM and had nothing but success in germinating. and one that did not, they gave me a replacement for the seeds that did not germinate for free. You can’t go wrong…Great support staff and a grower forum that is second to none…happy growing
Ive had alot better results with ilgm seeds than some other companies
ILGM is a great place to buy seeds. I have grown some really nice plants from ILGM SEEDS.
Happy growing
I will go along with the rest never had a problem with ILGM seeds I think I may have a 100% success rate with germination I may culled a few cause I didn’t like the way it was going I will continue to buy from ILGM they have good genetics and they host my favorite website.
Couldn’t of said it better myself! Love this place
There’s also people that come here unable to conduct themselves within acceptable behavior, that aren’t welcome back. Not saying this is true all of the time, but it wouldn’t be the first time.
seeds are great in my opinion. tell us about your grow, ie…inside or outside? medium? nutes? lights?
Never an issue with ILGM. Ive only had 1 issue in 4 years of growing and that issue was resolved within 24 hours. 1000 bucks on seeds? Why not clone and save $$$ and time?
1000 on seeds eh? Shoot first, ask later. Lol.
Well the genetics are good.
sounds like after sex without a condom and ask of theyre on birth control or jail time when the stand your ground rules does not apply lol
LOL bruh…
Lmao i know I’m warped in the mind
Thanks for the reply’s I did research it brought me here just some guy at the supply store bashed this seed company. I’ll bitch him out this week. I feel confident thanks guys and girls.