Questions about pesticides

I read that Captain Jack’s Dead Bug is safe for all stages of life. Is this still a good option?

Do you spray the soil or just the plant?

How early can you spray it? Can I spray it around a seedling?


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Yes it’s safe I used it on my outdoor grow, but I wouldn’t use it until needed, that’s just me. And if you have pests be sure to get the under side of the leaves. I didn’t spray my buds either.
For the soil I used diatomaceous earth

Are you seeing bugs?

I see what looks like a gnat or two flying around, and it looks like they like to stay around the soil. While this is probably not an issue, I do expect bugs to be an issue later on when I move locations.

This is an indicator of overwatering FYI.

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There are a few great choices as far as full term organic pesticides. Ive used Capt Jacks, Growers Ally, Plant Therapy, Azamax, Mammoth, which are all safe for full cycle. Make sure to read the dilution instructions. Most are every 3 days for an infestation or 7 days preventative.


If are having issues with are a few fungus gnats then you can control those without spraying.

Mosquitoe Bits soaked in water for 12 to 24 hours then watering in will treat for the larvae and eggs. Those cheap pull down sticky traps will take care of the adults. Allowing the first few inches of soil to dry out will prevent eggs from being laid and dry up any eggs that are in the soil. Fungus gnats thrive in moist soil, so allowing the first inch or so to dry out will prevent the process. Happy Growing! Oh and if you do decide to spray anything durind flowering consider doing a bud wash when you harvest.

Feel free to tag me with any issues. @ChittyChittyBangin

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