I’ve never used this stuff before and I have two mother plants I’m keeping in veg in a 4x2 tent inside. Im wanting to start doing an ipm on them but I have a couple questions i cant seem to find a correct answer on.
Is it safe to use inside the house?
Should I spray with lights on or off?
And if I spray with lights off should I do it right when they go off?
How many times a week should I use it?
This is just for veg purposes only I’ll be using it
Lights off i would wait longg enough for plants cool down thats what i do when foliar spraying Ive never used it but everyone has good things to say about it
Jacks is safe to use anytime at any stage. Its a natural bacterium that kills insects but is harmless t humans. Plus a bud wash will remove nearly all of it even if you used it the day of harvest.
Unless you actually have an insect problem. would probably not treat the plants. Jacks does not work by killing bugs long after treatment. You need a strong chemical treatment for that. And those are a hard no for plants. That said, I do use Ortho Home Defense in between grows after cleaning the tent. A light misting of the walls and floor so anything trying to crawl in will die. Spider mites may be transferred by shoes or cloths and if they happen to drop in from somewhere they wont make it. Also fungus gnats will die if they land on the tent surfaces.
Thanks. Yeah I’ve seen little k at like things every once in a while nothing to bad just trying to stay on top of things and keep the headache to a minimum . But I’ll definitely give this a try when lights go out . Thanks
Right after a nice tent clean, I’ll mix up DE and water in a pump sprayer, add in just a small amount of yucca to help it stick to the surfaces, and then spray top to bottom. After drying, the result is a fine layer of DE on every square inch, that looks like little more than dust on the tent walls. This helps keep the bugs at bay throughout the entire grow without harsh chemicals that stick around.
If you have a lot of flying critters I would be moving my big boy Zapper in for a few nights. Should hear some zaps the first night and gradually over a few nights that will cease. Then you can move your bug zapper out when you feel like you’ve got it under control.
I use to take potato or any kind fruit cut up put them in coffee can add about 1inch water everyone them little bast@@ds go in and drown there selfs old friend showed me that
I found them on Amazon. I haven’t ever heard a zap from the small ones but do find bugs in the grill. I wanted a unit that didn’t require refilling with a glue or pheromone. I liked the idea of adding some UVA to my tent.
Bug Zapper - Mosquito Killer Indoor - Fly Killer - Electronic Insect Killer - Indoor Mosquito Zapper - Mosquito Repellent Indoors - Mosquito Killer Indoor Home – 6 Packs Indoor Bug Zapper
In combination with Capt. Jacks neem oil and haven’t had an infestation since. Just to make things easier you must refrain from bringing plant in fro the outdoors. Or you should make sure to quarantine and sanitize anything you bring inside.
Side note is to also make sure to add some beneficial microbes to the root zone. I am using a Deep Water Culture hydroponic system. So the root system requires additional care. Not to say natural soil doesn’t also need root zone care.
Botanicare Hydroguard Bacillus Root Inoculant, Quart
I’m in dwc 5 gallon buckets but also have 4 sets of the rdwc from Gary over at pahydroponics just never got around to using them yet bc I kind of like the idea of each plant having it’s one home so if I mess up I don’t kill the whole crop hopefully . But I will use it in the future . Bc I’ve heard so many good things about it
You may know that keeping water temperature under 68F and plenty of oxygenation is needed to keep your root zone happy. With temperatures over 72F you have the perfect environment for bad microbes to invade your system and create havoc. Lots of RDWC farmers include a water cooling system to keep water temperature in that 68F range. I’ve been cooling my water with frozen 2litre water bottles. I toss them in my premix 5 gallon buckets the night before a change out. I also include air stones in my premix buckets. This way my water temperature and oxygenated water is ready the morning of a change out.
I also include the beneficial microbes with each water change out. So my premix is ready to go after testing pH and TDS.