Here are a few questions I have:
Why use coco?
Is it better than soil?
How is the moisture retention?
Is it better than soil?
Any other info would be helpful.
@raustin @dbrn32 @MattyBear @PurpNGold74 @OldSchoolGrower
Not the soil go to. @Myfriendis410 @blackthumbbetty n someone else i should remember does tho (or at least promix which is coir like)
I don’t use coco, but I do use Promix which is similar. Coco is soiless, so it’s essentially hydro without all the water. Is it better than soil? Not really, but it depends on how you want to grow. Coco has nothing in it, you have to add all the nutrients yourself because you’re starting with zero.
It retains water very well, but also needs a lot of watering, some people water every day. This makes it very forgiving with overwatering, it’s difficult to overwater coco.
I use an amended coco based soilless medium call roots organics. I haven’t had a plant die in it yet or struggle to reach maturity. It seems pretty tailored to the cannabis plant.
From a ph and ppm maintenance standpoint, I find it to be very manageable once established in a good routine. The soil buffers to a 5.8 to 6.3 range and the plants seem to like it. I do water a lot, every other day about 1/4 to 1/3 nutes, to significant runoff. I do not flush periodically because of the amount of water I am pumping through them anyway.
The struggle with a lot of watering is it is a friendly environment for fungus gnats.
I’ve haven’t grown in soil yet, so I can’t gauge the pros and cons. I do see a lot of soil users struggle with over and under watering. Coco drains and pushes water so well the risk is wicked low, in my opinion.
Ahhh. Thanks sixpack. U keep reminding me to add u too the ‘list’. What kinda lights u run again?
Thanks for the detailed answer. Very helpful.
Plants grow faster in coco. Grew in soil a couple times then tried coco. I’ll stay with coco for some of the reason already stated. No bugs, impossible to over water in fabric pot
In my flower room I have 2 an 288V2s on a 240h-c2100 driver. My grow room is about 10sq ft, so it’s a little small for the space. My early flower plants are under a 1500chipwatt/280w wall draw blurple. My veg plants as of next week will be under a qb304 on a 120h-c1050 driver.
No bugs!!! Its the most appealing answer ever
I actually prefer Promix to coco but only because it is distinctly lighter than coco.
I agree that media appear to grow bigger plants but remember coco tends to scavenge calcium and magnesium so it is wise to supplement.
What do you mean by that.
On some scientific level coco actually absorbs the cal til it gets ‘saturated’ then the plant can have some.
-very high laymans
I’m a new grower currently on my second grow. No bugs was the number one reason I chose coco. It’s also great for me since I still struggle with watering to often. I use the AN PH perfect nutrients specifically for coco. It compensates for the cal/mag issues with coco.
Anyone have experience using mega crop with coco??
@Sixpackdad great answer! Couldn’t have said it better myself
Thank you @Familyman for the question I’ve been curious myself @Sixpackdad with the answer. Much appreciated grow family
I be high AF… missd this answer to my own question.
I’m starting to think this forum is full of stoners. Oh my.
Does the flavor of the product differ from soil grown??