Questions about autoflowers

So right now i’ve had 4 successful grows. Longest b4 harvest was 110 days, and now I’ve got it down to 90 to 100 days from seeds in water to harvest. All grows were photos. Ive been told auto’s have less yield and potency and take about the same time. Is that true? My yields and potency have been great, but, I’m curious.
What say you?

Most growers will grow autos because of a preference, or a plant in between light cycles (if they have one tent and one light cycle)
As far as yields are concerned, some autos yield as much as their photo counterparts, while other times they yield significantly less. I suppose that’s the variable, no control over flowering.
I prefer plants of a certain size and proportion, so I prefer photos over autos, for the same reason of I want to get a certain amount out of my harvest numbers.
Length of flowering times are irrelevant to me, as they’re guidelines, but plants make their own schedules, and are ready when they want to be. By having a shorter veg time, you can potentially speed up the process a little, but ultimately flowers take a certain amount of time to ripen and become mature.


I think most autos now are just as potent as a photo would be. And as CG says. The biggest attraction may be the light cycle. Some autos just grow small and others big. Kind of like photos. I have a few auto strains that always give 20. And others that are always in the double didgit range. Even if you grow photos most of the time. Having a few auto seeds around is always good. Since they grow on any light schedule. They make good fill in plants between grows. The Red Poison auto is a smaller one. but goes seed to harvest in 8 weeks.


I also like autos on my deck because I can get a harvest in before all the dam hemp around here seeds it. Sometimes 2 harvests if I plan right and we have good weather. Other than that it’s photos in the tent for me

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I’m not big on autos, but did a GG that I got 7 dried ounces of of, and my wife says it’s very good. I don’t smoke. Sends my brain into overdrive. I prefer growing photos because they don’t take that much longer, and you save a little on electricity, along with usually a better yield.


I have only grown autos to this point ( one full grow to harvest and one mid grow right now). That said I had 3 autos in 3 gallon pots for my first grow ever and 70 days from sprouting I ended up with 12.2 ounces of amazing super quality buds. I just started my first photo grow so I’ll have something to compare to in a few months but I was super psyched with my auto results :person_shrugging:


Autos are not what they used to be. With it’s popularity has come some really great breeding focus, and some super high quality plants.

They are unpredictable to a degree.

I grow mostly photos, but I drop a couple auto seeds per year whimsically and have random plants ready for harvest, I love that about them. They aren’t as finicky about light leaks and schedules, and since I use coco I still get decent size pants. I’ve pulled a couple small ones. Done have been fluffy, but all have had great potency.