Question on ScrOGing

I’m planning on ScrOGing my first grow. I’m waiting on seeds and a couple of other things before I start so I haven’t botched anything yet! I’ve read through the guide and a few forum posts but I’m still a little cloudy on a couple things. My screen is about 12" from the base of where my plants will be and plan on topping my plants after the 4th or 5th node depending on height. My question is: After the 2 new colas grow, do I continue to top these colas after they have 4 or 5 nodes to continue doubling up or do I train these colas with the screen to grow horizontally and top the lower branches from the main stem to double the colas?

Edit: After reading through this, it looks like my question is more about topping in general and less about ScrOGing. However, when my plants are under the screen, will the colas produce bud sites on the sides of the stems due to more light hitting them?


Yes and no. So what will happen here is pretty simple. You’ll lol top the plant, she’ll grow 2 branches from the topping site. While this is happening, the topping and the recovery, the other branches will have time to catch up to the top branches.

Any branch that grows up into the screen, should be tucked under, and continue to grow horizontally with the screen. You don’t want to top the same branches over and over though, but you can if you really want to. You want to fill the screen before you flip to 12/12, or even a week or two before you flip to 12/12. It’s all personal preference.

Hope this helps, if not I can try to elaborate more!



Damn it @ktreez420 I have failed at 2 scrogs because my back wont allow me to work bent over enough to care for them . But now I want to do a third try. already sprouted is 1 gold leaf 2 ww and I am germinating a skunk and another gold leaf . Got a pick that will be the easiest for a guy with trouble bending over ? GL is what I was thinking

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I’d say GL too, Hillcrest did an amazing SCROG with them before! It’s too bad you couldn’t just jack your plant up to your level when you needed to do some tucking and bending, like a lift under your pot that can raise and lower when needed! Then, you’d have no problems with a SCROG!



Possibly put the pot up on something like a stool and put the scrog higher to start . The scrog would control the height from them starting a extra 18 inches up off the ground wouldnt it ? @ktreez420 Once again your out of the box thinking has helped me figure out a issue thanks bud


Thank you for the insight! Being as I’ve never grown before and probably
only seen a cannabis plant a few times in my life, all the visual
information i have is from pictures. I expect that it would have made
sense once my plants started growing but a little clarification from
someone who’s been there sure helped.

Thanks again, and to everyone for all the information!


I think you’re onto something there @Oldstoner! Keep thinking and I’m sure we can come up with something for you!

@SilentHippie anytime dude, I love to help!


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