Question on grow set up

So i am on my first grow and its going well this forum has help tremendously thank you everyone. But i was wondering peoples opinions im doing am i door grow and i have it set up in the corner of my bedroom. My question is would it be better to get a tent and grow in that to make better use of light and space or is it fine under the light in an open room? My thoughts were a tent limits how tall i can let the plant grow due to limited space on how high i have to lift light. But in open room you lose alot of light because of the openess. Please give me your thought and opinion.


With autos its optional but with photos a tent is basically required to not get hermies , and yes with a tent your light is far more efficient, 6-7 foot tall tents is pretty good and you want to go into flower at about half the height you plan on your girls being


Thanks i have 4 autos and a fem under there. I plan on putting the fem outside once she gets a little bigger and weather gets a litte warmer.

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Personally , I would purchase the tallest tent your space will accommodate. You can build a nice grow space but for the price of A-tent it’s hard to beat.


Unless the entire space is lit for grow a tent is a better option


You sleeping in that room?

If it was me, I would build a false wall across my bedroom, with a hidden door.

Short of that

Get a tent


How are you going to deal with lights out periods?


I do sleep in there :joy: i like to think they give me sweet dreams lol. As far as dark time all lights go off at 9:15 and my room is pretty dark amd the only interuption is me with my flashlight about an hour later going to hed amd its dark till 7 in the morning. I also am planning on putting a wall up to inclose everything and get a little more controll but that probably isnt happening till next grow.

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Pretty dark aint gonna get it.


Just get a tent and proper setup and be done with it…

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Thays what the goal is im gonna end up putting a wall up and have a little room for growing. I was just wondering what everyones thoughts were and what effects it would have on the grow.

your setup can work but it will not give you the results your mind is hoping for…it has some drawbacks as mentioned by others on this thread so be prepared to deal with them somehow…good start

Re growing tall plants.
Some do it even in tents. I prefer a flat & wide canopy. Much more efficient use of light. Tall and natural is fine for outside.
Just my :heavy_dollar_sign:.02
Occasionally I grow in an unused bathroom that I have blackened.
Any concerns with odor once they start flowering? At some point you and your room / house will smell like weed.


I would rather grow sativas tall and wild and let the indicas be short and squat and both take there natural stance. But with all the screwed up, bred up, crap fufu weed we have now god does not even know what were truly going to end up with. I only buy tall tents now days. Thus my two Gorillas with 1’ extensions. If I could get a 2’ extension on I would. But my ceilings are 1" shy of making that work. So that allows me to keep my exhaust fan external on top of my tents blowing into the carbon filter and also allowing my exhaust fans to run as there suppose to and staying on the fan curve. For years I built my own enclosures many of them furniture grade so they could be hidden in plain site back when it was illegal to grow at all in my part of the world. And I have been busted for growing. The 2x4 just got setup and am popping seeds for it right now. Need to do some cable management and setup the controllers but that will only take a few mins. One has to do this stuff right or one will have nothing but issues. Been at it a long time.


@Blastfact Do you just set your fan on top of your tent or do you mount it to something to spread out the weight? Nice reloading setup also.

I toss them up there setting on the included base/mounting bracket with the filter resting on a cross bar. Thank You…

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Just throwing an update out there i let them grow out in the corner of my room and i think they did pretty well. Hears a pic of my plant right before trimming