friend of mine gave me a few seeds, 1 month later the females has purple stems and purple centers on new growth. Super healthy plants, no stretch, yellow, wilt, or curved. Outdoor growing. I read somewhere that this is a problem, not knowing if its exotic or domestic strain. still in vege state and leaves are super tight. is this common good or a major issue?
Knowing the strain would help and or pictures
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Strain; Type, Bag seed, or NA
Soil in pots, Hydroponic, or Coco?
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PH of runoff or solution in reservoir?
What is strength of nutrient mix? EC, or TDS
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Light system, size?
Temps; Day, Night
Humidity; Day, Night
Ventilation system; Yes, No, Size
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It sounds like it’s genetic, but do what Donaldj ask’s ok
Just outdoor growing, Nature at its finest or worse. don’t have an indoor setup. not caring what strain it is, that will be a guessing game. Just never grew any that is purple, it is a pleasant surprise or a bad problem that needs to be dealt with immediately. they are way too healthy to be a threat, however I learn everyday. Even healthy plants now can be a major prob later.
Here in DownEast Maine we don’t usually see purple appear outdoors until well into flowering as night time temps fall and the pigment of chlorophyll diminishes to reveal the purple, which by the way, was there all along and only masked by all that chlorophyll during most of it’s life. Where on the globe are you that you are growing outdoors in March?
Oh yeah Pics really help
In central Florida. Try to cap some pics for everyone, average temp now stays in 80’s some nights are average 60’s. makes a long and mature growing season
More than a 10f temp swing tends to bring out pheno colour it may quite literally just be strain alone if plant looks otherwise healthy but here’s a little reading for you
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Wow. Long mature season sounds good. I can’t take that summer heat though. We only get 128 days up here so I get em started inside around Feb. Sounds like genetics to me too. Blue or purple something or other. I believe @donaldj is onto something about that 10° temp swing contributing to it as well. I’m really stoked to be growing a couple of purple and blue strains this season. I’ve gotten some purple buds from a bag seed grow once very late in the season due to the cold. The stuff that got touched by the frost turned almost entirely purple while the ones that were more protected barely did.
If they’re not autos we’re fixing to go back to veg hours in a couple of weeks. I have two that are flowering that I’ll be growing this year.
Just some bag seed so I needed them sexed before investing my time to a male.
Once again thanks for your reply. If I’m not mistaken we set the clocks ahead Saturday. Will be calling on you from time to time if its ok with you about clipping, pruning and cloning. If things go right you can exp some of your “fruits of labor” from other harvests. As always an open invite to help with wildlife problems. When the freezer gets low you can master the B-B-Q as you teach me to master my gold, blue and green thumb. Havent let anyone on the property since someone shot one of my prized Brahma’s. Green Swamp, Rockridge area. Once again thanks for sharing your knowledge. Trail and error is a great teacher, but problem free comes from learning about other peoples mistakes. Never thought about hair and piss I know it will work wonders.
Purplish stems can be a lack of iron, or magnesium but strangely sometimes it can be genetic.
You’re always welcome to ask questions. If I don’t have an answer, I’ll find someone else to help.
I haven’t been through the Green Swamp since I was 14 when my uncle left Lakeland. Was just thinking about it last night while seeing the map of wildfires we’re having around the state.
Sorry about your Brahma. Just because something moves doesn’t mean you shoot it. There’s a guy in Lochloossa that spray paints “COW” on his entire herd during hunting season due to idiots!
Would be cool to meet fellow growers from the forum, but I wouldn’t know how with the rules they have in place to protect our privacy.
I’m always eager to help when I’m able…
Privacy and discretion must be Paramount. It keeps the balance for everyone involved as well as the loved ones dependant upon us to be and stay their every night. Our chat set up keeps everyone safe. Don’t get me wrong I think it would be cool. I would truly be upset if we was to lose a forum family member to something stupid and unwarranted. This is a mutual respect! This way everyone stays cool and safe and we have a lot more fun learning. Much respect Florida Son, we all are valuable to one another. Never know if po-po is lurking in the shadows, we know he has helicopters, that’s why one should NEVER< EVER plant outdoors on the same property where they reside. Thanks again for all the knowledge that is shared, its priceless. Maximusindica
Purple stems sound like a Cal-Mag deficiency.