Okay so i have this gorilla glue seed I’ve been growing for a couple weeks now and the stems have been purple and it’s getting big so I was going to transplant but I realized I have no soil left . I took it out of the cup to check the roots and when I put it back in the cup it left about an inch and a half of air between the soil and the bottom of the cup and now the roots have exploded out fuzzy and now the new growth coming out of everywhere has green stems? Does anyone know if getting more oxygen to the roots has anything to do with purple stems?
Being root bound and over watered probly has more to do with it the added air space is helping dry and giving roots space to grow
Purple stems is often caused by a nutrient deficiency. Nutrient deficiencies can be caused by suffocating roots and root bound roots. Increasing the oxygen and root pruning, which some of the roots could have been unintentionally pruned during your removal and replanting, these could have increased the plant’s ability to uptake nutrients and have resulted in lessening of the purple and greener growth.
Happy growing,
@MacGyverStoner @Donaldj okay I was going to say I haven’t had any signs of overwatering but when I did take the plant out of the cup last night the roots did look smashed into the soil. If that’s from being root bound how come the stems have been purple basically the whole time? The plant now is about a foot tall in just that plastic cup
Some purple in certain strains will be genetic, but in general, it is a sign of a deficiency, and from what you’ve described, roots suffocating from drowning or being root bound can indeed contribute to deficiencies.
Of course, deficiencies can be from the soil or the feeding regimen being deficient, or it can be caused from a pH that is out of range and causes or contributes to a deficiency.
nutrient deprived and soil looks rather soggy in picture not saying plant abuse was just a outside observation the air alone would improve condition briefly like adding fresh water. Plants often look perky after fresh watering due to DO disolved oxygen in water making any low ph issue seem to disappear briefly until water stagnates again around roots
@Donaldj I had just watered minutes before taking the picture . It hit me to ask the question after I had already done so . @MacGyverStoner and I’ve been giving them water between 6-6.5 ph also using GH flora series and fox farms ocean Forrest
@Donaldj also plants looked perky before this still never looked droopy
All good a theory is a a theory until it is proven I just hope you get soil to transplant her soon and then you will see her really pickup she’s a healthy lady in need of a new home you posted for opinions mine is air in soil is always a good thing
I’m not sure what you are wanting us to tell you. These are known facts, that Donald and I gave you, and it could explain the diminishing purple.
Donald has been growing a very long time, and he is very knowledgeable, and I am one of the staff grow experts here.
Gorilla Glue is a known strain to have lots of purple in it. That doesn’t mean it is always purple, nor does it mean that excessive purple is not a sign of a deficiency, no matter what the exact cause was.
It is growing better now with exploding root growth and lots of new healthy growth. What else can you ask for?
Happy growing,
@Donaldj I know I’m planning to get some tomorrow but hoping it can stay in there for a couple more days until my others are done flowering ! Only probably have a couple days to harvest then planning to put it in a final home so I don’t have to transplant another time being my seed starting box isn’t big enough to hold my pots . These are how my girls are looking right now
@MacGyverStoner I was just stating what I’ve been doing. I understand the problem now of what happened and was just adding some more detail of what I was doing since u said it depends on ph nutes maybe soil too thanks!
By the way, another thing that contributes to causing purple, is exposure to very cold temperatures. I’m not saying that is indeed what happened, just that the cold also causes purple.
Happy growing,
Nice colours and frosty keep it up if you want to test your air theory try adding extra perilite when you get soil 40% would be nice airy mix much more and ph would need to be for true soiless mix
@MacGyverStoner yes I knew that happens because my girls right now turned purple from the cold in the picture I posted , but my box temps stay the same being I have them running 24 hours in there so I was confused. Thank you guys for the info! @Donaldj and yes I am going to try that in my next scrog grow! And so you mean lowering the Ph to around 5.8 like a soiless mix because it’s more airy from the perlite?