Potassium deficiency or nute burn?


Welcome to the forum.

Looks like nute burn. Let’s get more information so that we can help you get it corrected as best as possible. Pause feedings for the moment and we’ll get it figured out for you.

What soil are you using (brand and type)? What nutrient products are you using, how often have you been feeding, and how much each feeding? Do you know your runoff pH and PPM?


I’m using Legigo Coco Coir peat brick, Advanced Nutrient grow, micro, and bloom. Last feed on 09/14, because I noticed tips were browning. pH runoff at 7. Not sure what the ppm is at. I’ve only been giving straight tap water with pH of 7. I do leave it sit for 24 to 48 hours.


Forgot to mention I feed 1tsp per gallon of of each nute.


Growing in coco it’s very important to know the EC/TDS of your feeding solution and the runoff you get. There are inexpensive pens on Amazon if funds are an issue.
Also, your pH should be in the 5.8 to 6.3 range. The proper pH isn’t quite as critical when you’re using the AN pH perfect base nutrients, but giving them water only since 9/14 with that pH level isn’t good in coco.

There’s a ton of great information about growing in coco on the Coco for Cannabis website. The tutorials on using nutrients properly in coco are very easy to follow along with, and offer every bit of info you need to know.


My guess is that you started feeding too early and nutrient salts have built up, as it looks like nitrogen toxicity and pH problems. Runoff numbers will be extremely useful here (read: mandatory to get things resolved.) Your runoff pH is likely too low and your runoff PPM is likely too high. I would pause feedings until you get runoff measurements. We can help you get restarted when we have that data. Until runoff numbers are understood, we can’t offer much further help.

Did you buffer the coco before using it?


No, I didn’t buffer. Wasn’t aware of it. I guess I need to do some more research and start over.

I suggest starting here.


Cocoforcannabis dot com is also a great resource for information about growing in coco.

I’ll check it out. Thanks for the info.


Be patient. It takes time to pick it all up and every one of us started where you are now at some point.

Start a journal thread for your grow and the growers here will help you along the way and keep you out of trouble.

Your plant is recoverable and I wouldn’t throw it out and start over.

As an example of a journal thread here is a journal thread that I set up yesterday for a grow that I am about to start.

And here is one of my completed journals from last year.

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Most bag coco will say pre-buffered. 99.9% of coco bricks are not buffered. I always double buffer the bricks. It’s done with calcium magnesium. Here’s a very easy and well explained tutorial on how to do it


My pH runoff is 6.5 and ppm is over 2100, way too high obviously. What can I do to lower?