1st Coco grow / Yellowing

Hey Guys, I’m seeing some yellowing in my coco coir / perlite grow in solo cups. Some seem to be doing ok (8 days old) and the two oldest (10 days) have some yellowing starting and drooping to the leaves.

I began nutrients a few days ago at 1/4 strength Advanced Nutrients at about 6 PH. (Distilled water) I’m using the cheap testing with the tube adding 3 drops and getting a color so it’s iffy. hTe PPM reading was 182. I am giving about 30 ml in a circle around the seedling every other day. Not sure if I’m not giving enough nutes, an over water issue or what? Any help is appreciated.

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I would start watering with nutes daily. First leaves coming in and roots are going down. I start in solos and at your stage I use a 60ml syringe and fill it a few times til I see a bit of water running out of the bottom. As your plant proceeds, watering to runoff will become important. You maybe could go half strength and monitor a few days. In coco over watering is not much of a concern. The coco should not go dry. Get a good ph and ec tool.


Ok, thank you. I was afraid to get too aggressive with the nutes and with the older ones yellowing it seems logical.


Google cocoforcannabis. All the knowledge you need to grow in coco. Good luck, I switched to coco in auto pots and love it.


Coco should be fed at least close to full strength from start to finish. Up your PPM to around 1000 and keep that pH between 5.8-6.0 :metal:

Accurate pH meter is crucial for success in Coco.


1000 PPM’s already? Wow, Ok.

Do you have a recommendation for a PH meter under a $100? I keep reading that most are unreliable unless they are very expensive.

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I just got an Apera pH 60 I think it was around 65$? Most people around here that have one find it sufficient

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Your EC and PH are important. I have used Apera, Blue Lab and an ACI combo pen for backup. You can get both from reputable companies for about 100. I know that @lostgirl has a set that she likes.

As for feed I would go with the directions for your nutes. I use Mega Crop One Part and in early veg I am at 550 ppm plus 100 from tap, so about 650, that is what they recommend for early veg. I do adjust a bit based on how they look. There are Jacks 123 users that go full strength 1000 ppm pretty early. It depends what nutes you are using.

I guess that’s fair. :joy: That’s what I use. But I would get up higher, your plant is hungry.

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I think it all depends on your nutes. I use canna A and B with tap water with coco. If i even go near 1000ppm with most strains I get nitrogen toxcisity within a day or 2. But you gotta feel it out man. Better to air on the side of caution, better to see a little yellow then wake up to plants fried imo. Goodluck

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