Nute Burn? Nute Deficiency?

So This Is My First Grow nd I’ve Had Problems From The Start. Now I Feel Theyy Have Nute Burn. Ive Repotted Them In Foxfarm Happy frog with some Ghia Green 444 nd Thats All nd Theyy Still Seem Ridiculously Grumpyy. RH stays around 50 to 60 nd Temps Are 80 to 85. I water lightlyy everyy 2 to 3 dayys… PLEASE SAVE MY GIRLS!!!

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Looks like a little excess nitrogen. What are your runoff pH and PPM.

Don’t worry about the lower leaves. It is normal for a plant to shed them as it ages.


Runoff P.H is Between 6.4 nd 6.7. I’ve checked twice. Idk how to check PPM.

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The Newer Leaves Are Being Effected Too Not Just The Old Ones. Is That Normal?

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It isn’t. The problem with newer growth is most likely excess nitrogen, as indicated by dark leaves and burned leaf edges.

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How would I correct that nd avoid it moving forward?

Feeding a proper NPK ratio and monitoring runoff PPM and adjusting as necessary.

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Nd PPM is measured how? My PH reader maybe?

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A PPM meter. They may also be called an EC meter or a TDS meter. They are all the same. I use an Apera PC60 that measures pH and PPM. Apera and Bluelab both make great meters.


NPK? Nitrogen. Phosphorus nd Potassium?

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So do how do I know how much NPK they need nd is that dependant upon stain?


All strains are fed the same as any other.

Any good cannabis fertilizer is good. Jack’s 321 is very effective and is used by many experienced growers.


I Have gaia green? Is that no good because thats all they’ve had nd some cal mag once

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This :point_up:

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Gaia Green is fine


Ok so maybe Im a little slow then hahha… it says 3 tbsp every gallon. Ive measure the soil per gallon nd added the nutes then mixed. Am I missing a step?

You are missing the monitoring runoff PPM and adjusting as necessary. The excess nitrogen is likely due to overfeeding (high PPM.)

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Of water…


O…M…G!!! There it is!! Ive been feeding the soil… I’m supposed to feed the water?? How ofter do I add food to their water?

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