Overnight black spots

Any ideas they appeared overnight


Have you checked real good for bugs? U.der leaves…

Those little black dots are the only thing that I can attribute to the problem. I’m thinking perhaps they are some type of a pest. Thanks for the response.

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Looks like thrip damage to me with the black spots as there poop. They are tiny and hard to see. I would spray with captain jacks dead bug asap

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That is a awful lot of black spots, strange.

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I am only a week from harvest, so I think I’ll just go ahead and take them. I’ll spray the room with captain Jack after that thank you very much for your assistance over the years. I’ve seen all kinds of problems, but this was the new one. Thanks again.


Wow your leafs are still really green and no fade at all for being that close to harvest. Nice. May wanna consider a bud wash. Best of luck on the end result.

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Thank you

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