Are these aphids?
I think so.
Damn my dude what happened?
I couldn’t tell the species of pest from the pic but that’s some major infestation
Wow how long did it take for something like that to happen?
That is really bad.
Anyone think this is salvageable?
I would say I began to notice them about two to three weeks ago but I am a fairly new grower, this is my second grow, and I didn’t have any complications at all with my first grow so I think I just neglected them. They are approximately 16 weeks old, 7 weeks into flower. I was going to harvest them around March 7. Should I just throw them out? How did this happen? How do I prevent it from happening again?
I’ve never had them near as badly so I can’t comment.
Would love to hear the answer dorm others though
Man, i hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that is a total infestation. I don’t see any spots or areas that are not absolutely covered with the pests. Even doing 2 or 3 thorough bud washes after harvest, I’d be hesitant to smoke or make anything with it.
Personally, I would. Far too much pest residue to try and salvage the plant, for me.
After removal, thoroughly wash/sanitize your grow area. I would use a strong pesticide while there are no plants.
Captain Jacks Dead Bug Brew is safe to use all the way until harvest. I also recommend one or two different, flower safe, products to sort of rotate through. This way, the pests are less likely to develop resistance.
So, so sorry to see this happen. I really hooe you get it under control.
Oh man, I feel for you. I would also call that a loss. Like the others.
If it were priceless genetics I could not loose, I would leave a lil stump to reveg. After I defeated that advancing force. But you would still have to sanitize and battle to win that war.
Much easier to pop new seeds.
I might take that whole tent outside to clean it. Just like after a muddy camping trip w kids. That would minimize the spread.
I sure feel for you.
Agreed, and the soil should not come back indoors.
Yard soil, now.
Equipment inside tent, also need re-work sanitizing.
Well damn. Thank you guys. Where do they come from? Soil?
Also, what should I sanitize with?