I am growing 3 clones. One of the plants isn’t looking great but all of them have some kind of issue going on. They have yellowish spots over all the leaves. Some are kind of white dots.
Any idea what this could be? I looked through the troubleshooting section and I saw a couple different things it could be but I’m not experienced enough to figure it out. These are grown outdoor in fabric pots.
The picture with the yellower leaves are from the plant that looks eh. The second two greener leaves are from each of the other plants.
Check for thrips and other pests. It looks like thrips damage to me.
Captain jacks dead bug is organic and is safe for flowering if you’re starting into that stage.
Thank you. I just did a close up of all of them and they are the same thing. I remember having this issue a few years back. I’ll pick something up asap.
You have a spider mite infestation, Deadbug will kill them as well. Make sure and spray under leaves, soak whole plant every three days for two weeks to break their egg cycle. Pull a leaf and check the underside with a microscope, I think you’ll find some nasty lil critters, probably two spotted spider mites….