What is everyones favorite nutrients for a first time grower. Starting my grow in soil. Ive purchased 3 different types of fox farm soil and also the 3 bottles of nutrients by fox farms but now im starting to second guess it. I still have 3 days before my seeds arrive so i have a few days to switch it up if neccessary. Please advise, thanks!
While fox farms nutes are good, they require soil to be ‘flushed’. Most here would probably steer you towards Jack 321. I switched to it and believe it’s a better choice.
Yep. Jacks 321. It’s ridiculously easy to use and cheap to buy.
Jacks 321.
Easiest one by far. One formula that never changes all the way through.
So the complete line of jacks nutrients are many. What are the ones i’ll need. Can someone be more detailed as to which ones are neccessary.
Part A , Part B, and any Epsom Salt that’s not scented or altered. It will simply say Magnesium Sulfate in the ingredients list. I get mine at Walmart. A little lasts a long long time.
Awesome bro thanks
I’m using FFOF soil, and when ready, feeding Jack’s A&B. Highly suggest a nutrient line with minimal parts. FF is good, but as stated, requires flushing routinely. It is also a ton of mixing, and then pH adjusting. I don’t adjust pH with Jack’s, it falls at 6.5 after mixing with my tap, with virtually no drift over a week period.
That’s how I started. Then I found a seller there offering the 25lb bags for half price so I bought them. I’m set up for years…Lol
I got the 6lb kit for $29 after tax. 3lb part A, 2lb of B, and 1lb epsom. It cost me $34 after tax just for part A on Amazon. eBay for the win
Oh wow. I hope I find that deal. I’ll never have to buy it again.
Find and save the seller … Esbenshadesgardencenter
About once a month they will mark down the 25lb bags of part A & B for one day only.
Dont hesitate if you you find it on sale because it goes up after only a day.
So i guess i’ll have to return a bunch of nutients that i purchased already and switch to jacks for sure. I found part a and part b for 70. Im probably paying a few dollars extra but i rather get stuff that comes in its own packaging and not something that someone put in a zip lock bag and put a label on. You never know if that person is on the up and up.
Hello. I started out with Fox Farm Trio for the first year and had great results. You do have to water to about 10 or 15% runoff that way you do not have salt buildup in your soil and you don’t have to flush. I heard everybody talking about Jack’s 321 and like everybody else I decided to switch because it was easier to mix. Ran with Jack’s 321 for about 6 months and found that the same strains I was running with Fox Farm we’re not turning out as Frosty as big or as nice with Jack’s. I have now switched back to Fox Farm Trio and have been running it for the last 2 months I can see a huge difference again. Jack’s 321 works but in my opinion the trio works better. Almost night and day difference. I now use my Jack’s 321 for my veg and keep the trio for flowering. Just my two cents. But the main thing is having fun. So whatever you choose to go with have fun and happy growing
I also flipped to Jack’s 321 from ff. My brain feels better with less to do.
Good instincts. Listen to those feelings when you have them. @Newt gets outstanding results with Fox Farms liquids but he’s the only one I’ve seen really pull it off well. I used them for half my first grow and jumped ship - switched to Jack’s as others have recommended and have not been disappointed. It’s been 7 months and I ain’t lookin’ back.
I used the FF Trio for a couple of years. It works fine, but the flushing is a PITA. I switched to Jack’s last year and love it. It’s easy to use, pH is less of a problem, and I rarely flush any more. I had to flush at least 2x per grow when using the Trio because pH would get completely out of control after the salts build up.
I cannot speak to using Jacks because I’ve never used it. As you can see, it’s very popular and works well for a lot of people. It’s a synthetic fertilizer.
Organic can be easy but different, if that’s the kind of grow your looking for.