Does anyone have an opinion on fox farm nutrient Cultivation Nation 2 part series? Would anyone recommend it?
Most of us have switched to Jacks 3-2-1, but fox farms have excellent products as well. Use less, than recommended and you’ll do fine.
Thanks for the advice man @Covertgrower Would like some more opinions please.
@Myfriendis410 @MattyBear @Oldguy @kaptain3d @Dman1969 @Audiofreak @MidwestGuy
Opinions on the way!
I’ve only used ff nutes and soil. And I truly love the results! But never heard of this one. Sorry but please tag me in your grow.
Will do.
I just looked into this and it sounds very interesting I may try that on my next run.
Not familiar with those nutrients…
But @Oldguy or @Bulldognuts might know…
I’ve never used it myself.
Looks easy enough tho.
I Like the only 2 parts and that they’re dry.
Yours Not payin for water.
They have a three part too I may have to try this out! And I dig that you sprinkle it on in stead of mixing!
Ive used FF trio with dry nutrients as well as a lot of other lines. I switched to Jacks 321 as well recently and won’t look back for indoor growing. It’s super easy to use and best bang for your buck
The three part is liquid but the two part is dry does seem really interesting though.
@ConcreteKush Thanks for that! I was just looking real quick. And I may be wrong but I love ff! It’s always gave me great results. But it’s all I’ve ever used. So I guess I’m partial. And I think I’m gonna try it this next run. I’m almost out of nutes anyway. So I’m gonna give this a run and I’ll let you know how it works out.
I use Fox Farm nutes, but I only use the Trio.