No-Till Gardening Tips

Its easy to grow big plants if you have good soil, lots of light and an early start. Truth be told, most of the grows in Mendocino and surrounding area have been using light dep lately because they can do a couple crops a year instead of just 1. That said if they have the land, they will do some single season plants too. Using light dep has some big advantages over a big assed plant too. It means you can ensure that your plants are getting full hot sun during the flowering phase, instead of the weaker, cooler sun in the fall.

Like if it wasnt that I had to work all summer, Id do light dep, but because I cant afford to automate it and cant reliably do it every day, I just do a full season.

I liked your thoughts. There are a ton of growers out there, each wanting something different. For me, I am a
medical user, but also an old pothead. My main focus is to grow enough for me so that my quality of life is better. Chronic severe pain is no joke, and anyone on pain meds of any kind is on a dead end street. Eventually you are going to have to take so much medication that you canā€™t function. Its tolerance. The short time I have used marijuana as pain medicine I have not found any tolerance build up yet. I have now turned my deep brain stimulator off, and am doing fine so far. Of course I want to grow organic. My generation and the ones before me have been using mother earth and she will not take this for very much longer. I dont even like the word organic. Its like this buzz word nowadays. I prefer natural. So that is the way I want to grow. Small tent, 1-2 plants at a time, with a small carbon footprint.I need to quit now. I always end up writing a book on these posts. Especially when I am medicated, lol. Peaceā€¦


I like books. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::sunglasses::+1:

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@scylents how did it turn out?

@MamaDe has asked you a question. MamaDe welcome to our forum. You will find lots of good people here. I am not sure how you like to grow, but there are always people with the experience to help you. I would recommend looking at different forums and finding people who are experienced in growing the way you do (soil, coco, hydro, organic). If you are not sure yet there is a lot you can learn from the forum ā€œHellraiser grows gorilla glue and other stuff.ā€ He offers great advice and many turn to him as a mentor. If you find someone that youā€™d like to help you, you can tag them by typing @ and the name. So tagging me would be @patchman. We are glad you are here!
@scylents it has been awhile- are you ok? I will be starting another grow in a couple of weeks. Its up in the air right now with all the traffic about. FBI and FTC- time to lay down for a bit. I will tag you when I am up and running. @MamaDe, welcome again to our family, good luck!! Peaceā€¦

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Thank you @patchman . I accidentally replied to the wrong thread I meant to post it under @scylents 400+ thread. I have that many tabs open of this site, im losing myself!

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Hey MamaDe it is no problem! Scylents and I go back a few months. Scylents has posted a lot of great information. I may know the answer to your question. You were wanting to know how ā€œitā€ turned out. What was ā€œit?ā€

Wow thanks @scylents what a great read I was thinking of adding worms to my pot as well, my question is what do you feed them?

Thanx growmie

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Hey @Funny718
Glad you found the article useful!
The worms will eat microbes so you donā€™t need to do too much to feed them in general. I personally chose to put Bokashi compost in my pot which will allow for plenty of microbial food got the worms. But I also have rotting roots in my pot now, so thatā€™ll help as well.

@Cannabian keeps worms if I remember right and I think heā€™ll tell you theyā€™re not a picky bunch! Just toss ā€˜em in there and let ā€˜me roam!


Thank you appreciate the advice growmie.

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Yep worms are pretty easy to keep, just dont let em get too cold, too hot or soggy and they just poop away.


Mr Cannabian-
It has been awhile, I hope you are healthy, happy, and safe. Question.
What do you feed your worms that are in the pots with your plants? My worms did good on my first organic grow, but I wasnā€™t sure what I should feed them. My new soil recipe is cooking or freezing lol, and I am gonna plant again in about a week or two. I think I missed the balance last grow because my plant was no where near as successful as my first plant. 2.76 to 1.15oz, but the buds were more dense. But there are too many variables to say what exactly happened. New tent, New light, organic living soil and less than half of what I got from a pot for pot. I will stay with organic. Any help you could give would be great.
I used two different kinds of worms last time. Red wigglers and night crawlers. Peaceā€¦

Well we had a cold snap over hereā€¦

All my fungus is frozen. Couldnā€™t even get a spade in there!!

This is what happens when a city boy tries to be a country boyā€¦

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Mostly hay and compostable material