Indoor no-till experiment: the permajournal

So I dropped two femmed Durban Poison seeds today. I’ll soak in water, the paper towel, then coco/perlite to pop em before transplant.

I have a 160l Rubbermaid that will house both ladies from their seedling phase forward. Soil to be built in the next few days, but I’m going super basic:

  • 30 coco
  • 20 wormcasting
  • 20 promix
  • 20 perlite
  • 10 previously used soil
    I’ve got myco and bacta boosters I’ll drop in there.

Worms in the mail
Cover crop in development (happy to have advice)

My plan is to run that soil forever-ish.

Let’s see what happens!!

@Covertgrower, here’s the drop, should be on similar timelines.

@monkman @Arrow and @GreenFlex to supervise and inform the experiment.

@BigHuff2316 @Blue89 @RoDeezyDoe @Breezy @tchop134 cuz y’all know what’s goin on here.


Hope you don’t mind think I’ll tag along for the ride looks interesting :sunglasses::love_you_gesture: stay safe


Gonna drop one of these tonight. You already know I’m tagging along!


Love it. You’ll do great.


Nice Selection and Experiment you say…NICE!!


Hey @Growingscotland, outstanding to have you along!! I’m in Belgium, so maybe you can help me find the right stuff when I get needy. The EU brands of all our accessories is a weak spot for me.


Think I’ll just tag along and follow this as well friend :sunglasses::love_you_gesture: people a dropping beans left right n centre today looking forward to it all :v: Stay safe


@scylents very happy to be joining you on your journey brother, I’m in the uk but shhhh :shushing_face: it’s a little frowned upon hear :love_you_gesture::sunglasses: I’d be more than happy to help in anyway I can friend what I can’t help with I’m sure more experienced community members will help along the way

Stay safe :love_you_gesture::sunglasses:


Man I’ve never even heard of gashers… let me know where you Journal homie!!


Thanks for the tag Silent Man…I’m set to watch…:sunglasses::v:255


Wow! demmit @scylentsur from Belgium? wtf! i don’t know where my heads at for the last 6 months but your folks there are some of the best “down to earth” folks i can think of! “Burnt” Patrick Wouters came to visit me for a year back in 72 from Antwerp as an exchange student. lived in the same room after i was an only child for 10 years, two younger siblings but he and i didn’t have a single argument living in the same room for a year He was on the national jr soccer team and was an excellent basketball player. He is gone now, but i got to visit with him for 14 days on my way back to the states from Saudi. hadn’t heard from him in 30 years but we got together before he died. part of why i believe in the big guy upstairs is that this kind of thing keeps happening against very high negative percentages i was there for 2 years and just before going home Patrick sent me an email and in two weeks i was able to work out a visit for 2 weeks. it was like a miracle. i have sooo many “burnt” Patrick stoned stories that i am almost rolling on the floor with the memories laughing. thanks man! :heart:


:heart_eyes: happy to hear good memories my man!!

I’m American, just living over here. :sunglasses:

But in general I can agree that most Belgians are fantastic people.


Well good luck, it is always exciting to start your own babies from seed


sorry, was drunk last night and got confused, thought you were US. lol where are you staying?

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I’m set to watching, pretty cool setup. I would also like to do an all soil and nothing else grow, so I’m interested to see how it works out for you :+1:

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I’m outside of Brussels, like most of this tiny country is. Drunk nostalgia is the best nolstalgia!

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Here is the worm compost bin that will provide some top dressing and worm tea. :sunglasses:


And the beans officially start germ today!!

Here in this post I gift you the finest photo to ever intrigue the ILGM community!

Here they are after they sank into their water overnight:


To put everything into perspective, Durban is 5 hours down the road from me…:sunglasses::v:


I’ve been to J-burg and Capetown over Christmas a few years back. I had a guy explain to me that the weed he gave me was Durban Poison but I didn’t know much of anything’s about strains back then, so I kindly thanked him and moved on. When I saw it on seedsman, I’m not gonna lie, it steered my decision a bit… I remember that weed came rolled up in colored papers, all those sticks held together by a rubber band. I had to unwrap the dope only to re-roll into joints. It was good smoke though!

Anyways… It was my first Xmas in the Southern Hemisphere, and it was an awesome trip! It’s a beautiful country!!