New grower still learning

Hello everybody. I’m still fairly new to the group and I’m a first timer here just sharing my story. I’ve watched my buddies growing outside and one of them generally does pretty good and it had me wondering if I could actually grow a plant. So for shits and giggles I decided to try with hopes of success in my adventure. I’ve been smoking my whole life and it is my only self medication that I use for all my needs. It has helped me get through many things in my life and without it I’d probably would have ended up in prison for murdering someone lol. Not really but it helps me with so much. So not knowing anything about growing I did what any dummy would have done. I also thought just stick the seeds in the dirt and water it regularly with plenty of sun and that was all it needed but we all know that was wrong. I have made many mistakes along the way in the process so much to my surprise I’m actually growing and hoping I make it until the finish. So I started reading up on it and then found this forum which is awesome and I love it and find it extremely helpful in the knowledge and learning department. So when I started it I put about 10 seeds in the dirt in my big pot and about four in my little one and just started watering it and waiting to see what would pop up( if any.) Seeds were gifted by a buddy who saved them from their grow or out of smoke they had gotten from others so I don’t know about any of the strains. It’s all new to me on that. After a little time surprisingly I had plants pop up. So I live in the country and only have well water but I have really clean well water cuz ours runs way deep. That’s all my buddies have used as well and with success so I knew no different. Still using well but also rain water when I can now that I know. So I had 8 pop up and only lost one in the early stage from a broken stem and it died(not sure how it got broke)leaving me with 7. Two in the little one and 5 in the bigger one. I’ve watered them every morning and evening faithfully due to the heat. They seemed to be doing great. I planted them in a rich outside garden soil with all the natural elements of life. No store bought soil. Luv it. So now after they have gotten taller and started vegetation I started seeing little gray or black flying looking bugs that looked like worms so I googled homemade remedies for bugs. Seen the dish soap and water solution so I added just a few a
drops of dawn to a spray bottle of water (first big mistake) and early morning (second big mistake) lightly misted leaves (should have tried in late evening) and needless to say by that evening I had burnt up over half my leaves which had me stressing and really worried. So I removed all the burnt and went from there. So now I’m worried and really reading up on it to see what I need to do now. I went and bought a two dollar pack of plant sticks for nitrogen and a 7 dol bottle of organic spray for bugs and stuff. On a limited income so money is always tight. I put some sticks down in my soul that evening and sprayed my leaves and stalks down lightly with organic spray and watered my soil and hoping for improvement. They started looking better and my hopes were still high. Well then I had two smaller plants that were different than the rest(1 in each pot) starting to flower already. Pretty sure they were indica. I would occasionally pull bad leaves here in there and made sure they were getting plenty of sun and water. They were starting to look good and smell amazing. They never got real big due to lack of knowledge to help them along cuz I hadn’t been in forums yet at that point just online through Google. So when I thought they looked ready I asked my buddy and he said they looked like they were to him but he was wrong. After looking at all of y’all’s pictures they could have gone another week or two. But I pulled them and hung them to dry. I will have a proper drying space when the others are done. Being so little I over dried them too long 7 to 8 days instead of 4 or 5 so I put them in a mason jar to cure in hopes they come back. They are looking and smelling better every day though so I still have hope. I did flush with lots of water and no nitrogen for bout two weeks first and was praying it didn’t hurt the others(but was using well water not realizing it could harm them) that were just now starting to show signs of flowering. So after pulling the smaller two I concentrated on the others. Gave them more plant sticks and continued watering. They were looking good other than all the problems with the coloring of the yellow leaves and a few leaves with little brown spots. So then I found y’all. Best thing ever for info. Now I’m reading up on organic home solutions to help my plants flower and bloom. Now I’m working on trying to get them to fatten up before harvest. Next year I will be so better prepared and will be doing everything different then this one. I have added coffee grounds and filters under the soil to help since then. I’ve boiled egg shells and have watered them with the water from it. I just made banana tea and gave them some of that yesterday to help with the fattening of buds and with potassium and such
hoping it helps. I’m basically just trying to get through this grow with what I have on hand and will prepare better for next year. I would rather go natural if I can do so. I have different flowers going so don’t know the strands of either. So far so good. Wish me luck. And now we have a lot of rain so I’ve cut down on watering to morning only if needed. I didn’t start taking pics til vegetation stage but was fascinated by the grow cycle and stages and fell in luv with it. So here all alot of my pics. They look nothing like the big beautiful ones I’ve seen in here but I’m still proud of the success I’ve had with the given circumstances. Warning picture overload.

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Any 1st grow that makes it to the finish line is considered a success in my book.
Sounds like you had a bumpy road there. This forum is great. I have learned a lot in the short time I have been here. I bet you have learned a lot too. First hand experience is the best way to learn. We remember our mistakes and make the next grow better.
Good luck to you!


I still have a ways to go with the last five. One of them is outdoing the others so they will take longer and would like to fatten them up. I’m trying though lol. Ty


They should fatten up the last few weeks after they are done stretching.

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Welcome to the Grow Family my friend and nice work :love_you_gesture:

Ty I’m trying lol

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WAY BETTER THAN MY 1st run. Had the same mindset starting out Grow Bro, hang around…. I learned tons here :love_you_gesture:

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