Anyone have any tricks for AK-47? 3 of my 3 did not make it. 1 never even sprouted, one the seed cover was stuck on it caused mold. I was able to get it off but it never recovered. I pinched the top to see if anything will grow just out of the stem but I doubt it leaves never opened. The 3rd started to grow but then the stock shriveled up and bent over and looks like is dead as well. soaked 9 (3 of each(skunk, diesel and ak-47) seed)and so far 6 are kinda doing pretty good as from what I can tell. I can attack pictures of the girls if need to be make sure everything is going ok. Today I have put them all in dirt because i’m worried that they might need nutrients it been a week. One of the plants the triangle leaf on both sides is looking like it’s wilting a bit. Hope I’m not to late with the dirt.
If the leaves are ever stuck together just cut the tips of the leaves. As a rule for pruning/cutting/cloning. A branch with no leaves is not a branch anymore. It will not grow. I’ve left shells on too long and had tips stuck together by time I lightly misted the cap with water and blew it off (its that easy, I just brush them off with my finger after spraying with water, slide right off.
The first two leaves are not leaves. They are cotlydons. So long as they are still present they will feed the seedling. Once they fall off you need to begin feed (you’ll notice leafs grow up with the plant, cotlydons slide down). I place my seeds directly in my nutrient rich coco personally.
The one falling over sounds like damping off. How are you watering these seedlings? what are they in before soil? I used jiffy pucks once. Once…
All the leaves are triangle shaped except the cotlydons btw. Atleast on the ends anyway.
Pics would be good so we can see whats goin on so we can give u the advice u need
Im using the FF and other I think its Ocean FF soil. Just put it in there last night. They haven’t gotten worse but just want to make sure it will be ok. Her name is Drama Queen 2, yes I have 3 of them and they are living up to their names, LOL. I am using top of the line lighting HLG as well lowest setting I can with it. Just putting small amounts of water daily right now towards the outer edge of the jiffy peet pods I used.
Ok good to know I can just spray a little water on them and get them off. @Budz there is no point in showing the dead. I will let them rest in peace.
These look healthy to me, if your others are the same then you have nothing to worry about
@OGIncognito my other ones look awesome aside from 1 being super small. Trixie is the biggest and she was always in a hurry to get out of her shell.
You’ll always have a runt even from the same batch. I have 3 Sour Diesels, 2 are growing nicely and 1 is a runt. Are they photos or autos? You’re growing in a pre-amended medium and the FFOF is the hotter of they’re mediums. Your good with PH water only for several weeks. At their stage you should cover them with a clear dome, a solo cup works perfectly. Keep them covered for 10-12 days during the seedling stage, they feed themselves by absorbing the condensation through their leaves created inside the domes until they’ve developed a stronger root structure. Water a ring around the outside of the clear dome, this will get the roots spreading out searching for water
Very nice! When you notice them stretching like this add some more medium to your pot. This just means she is reaching for the light and loving it
@OGIncognito I will be buying more dirt, but I was just hoping I could add more as need to fill it up as they stretched up more. I have 3 SOD and 3 SSK none of my AK-47 made it. I still have more of their seeds and will just have to try again I guess. I tried hydroponics my first go around and that failed with a different company seeds. I even tried dirt and got nothing. So far this is the farthest I have gotten on a grow. I don’t water them much maybe half a cup daily but I will get some clear solo cups to cover them. They are about 1 week to 1 week and a half old so far. They are all autos, figured I need to start with something that I didn’t have to work on the flowering times and stuff at first.
Nice choice on the autos, that’s what I’ve been running lately. They do have a shorter recovery time from injuries and HST. I’ve done a couple experimental grows with seeing how far I could push them and verify the myths surrounding autos. So far and it’s still on going but on this grow I’ve got currently, I’ve defoliated considerably more than I’ve heard or read and they girls have responded greatly. I haven’t ventured the Hydro method, it takes a lot of experience. I grow in coco which is basically the same. The thing I like about coco is the ability to feed and water every day without fear of over-watering. I’m no expert but here for you on any questions and this community is the best I have ever been a member of. Sooooo much knowledge shared amongst growers and all want to see you succeed
What method are you using to sprout seeds? I soak in tap water for 24-36 hours in the dark, then wrap them in a moist paper towel and into a ziplock bag. I usually have a decent tap root after 24-36 hours in the bag.
@OGIncognito I followed one new grower and wrote down everything they said to get. I even went and got the HLG 600 R spec light they said would be good for the plants. My household plants are liking it too. with winter coming around the corner they don’t get much sun now. I am hoping to succeed. All the help I can get is ver much appreciated. I will be pruning just a little bit, but i will be trying the net method to see how that goes. I have been trying to find out if it’s ok for different types of plants to touch each other or not? I don’t want to mix up the blends and stuff. This is my first forum and I have learned so much from just reading everything. Later on I will be get the camera so I can take close up pictures. It tells me the potency and stuff. God knows I will need that as well. I don’t really smoke anymore so this is just a project for me, lol. I did the 24-36 hour soak and then did the jiffy peet pods when to tap root started to show. All did well except the AK-47. 2 started to grow but yea don’t know why one stock shriveled up in the middle and the plant just laid over. I don’t like to touch any of my plants with my hands so I use this nail tool, lol. works great for getting them out the cup. Don’t want to break the little root off. I did paper towel with the other seed company i got from and they really didn’t do anything after getting to dirt. these I put into a heated covered dome in the jiffy for about a week then put them into the dirt.
@OGIncognito none of my tap roots where that long when I put them into the jiffy pods.
If it is different strains of cannabis “touching” each other, providing one is not male or has hermie male parts, they can share a space no problem. I wouldn’t mix different species in with my plants though.
As long as there is sufficient footprint of light, you can mix them and watch/smell as the differences show up.
@HMGRWN fotcha covered on that one. I’ll add don’t let your leaves of the same or different plants to rest or sit on each other. It’ll cause sweating and eventually kill the leaves
@HMGRWN yeah my household plants are on different tables than any of my cannabis plants. I also got special tables for them so I can raise and lower the table as needed for lighting purposes. there might come a time when one or two might need the light closer so I didn’t want to run into the problem of trying to figure out that logistical problem.The smell will get to be fun as that process starts to come around. I might need to get a filtering system for that. I’m not worried about the smell just dot want it to effect the other cannabis plants I have growing.
I have pretty much turned 1 room of my house into my green house. I will be bringing my avocado tree as well for the winter so This room will have all kinds of stuff growing in it. I hav also read some where that when it comes to the drying, which I’m a long ways away from that. The room has to be complete dark and no light at all can be in the room or is will make it photo again and will not dry correctly? I have sen people taking pictures of their dies with light and such, so just trying to make sure I do it right. I was looking in to the humidity bags as well. @HMGRWN @OGIncognito