New grower, first grow

Hello fellow growers! I’m new to growing cannabis and have my first grow in progress. I’m reading the blogs and trying to find guidelines for drying and curing. Currently I have 4 Blue Dream Auto Flower in my tent. Still in vegetative stage. Teach me your ways master growers


Welcome to the greatest weed forum running! Post some pics and tell us details on your grow. You’ll find all the help you need here!


Welcome along @Ghostgirl , enviroment for drying 60f 60%RH is said to ideal give or take either and no biggie, curing groove bags or jars? Want buds to to be be about 62% RH or 10-12% with a moisture meter for wood,pronged kind, Put cut off branches in a brown grocery bag, close bag for 24 hrs open for 2 hrs ( sweating),I use jars and burp them once buds are trimmed (Open lids for 20 min) twice a day for aweek or 2, then once a week for another week or 2, then once every other week, at about 1-2 months try it out if all good I vac pack 1 once to 1/4 lb bags and toss in the deep freeze, I don’t use groove bags. If I am off on numbers some one will correct me, and there are many ways to dry and cure.


This is as of today. Waiting on more dirt to transplant ur other 2


Thank you! We have been discussing if we should buy the groove bags or jars


Jars are a nobrianer here, we have shelves of them from 1/2 gal to small jam jars wife is a big canner


That’s where we are leaning. Some sources say we have to “burp”:every 2 hrs in jars? We wouldn’t be able to thrive on that schedule as we both work full time outside the home


Naw I burp them before work and when I get home!


What is the best way to determine RH of the buds? My understanding is “dry” after cutting until a certain point then jars\bags for curing


Hi @Ghostgirl and welcome! You can purchase hygrometers on Amazon fairly cheap.


Wood moisture meter


Welcome @Ghostgirl !

Usually just bend or snap stems after harvest to see where we are.

Mason jar cure here as well. We add one of these to the jar to keep an eye on things. Quick easy simple for us.


Just an observation, but it looks like your plants may be a little overwatered.


Hmmm. I was wondering. Initially I thought I wasn’t giving them enough. I have almost doubled the water allowance. I will cut it back. Thank you!


Welcome @Ghostgirl its not the amount of water that matters its the frequency of watering. Mj need a wet dry cycle to thrive. The roots need oxygen


Welcome to the best forum I’ve found for growing. Very knowledgeable and friendly people, as for your watering they are definitely over watered, should wait to water until the top 1-1.5 inch of medium is dry to feed.

Drying/curing. I dry in a tent hanging dry at 63F/63%rh

Normally takes between 7-10days.

Then it’s in jars for 4weeks.

Burping them 2x a day for the first week then by week 2 it’s down to 1x a day


Welcome aboard! @Ghostgirl

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I prefer grove bags but they do have their limitations. During long term storage the RH will eventually drop to the Rh of the room they are stored in. Ive had some go a year only dropping Rh from 62% to 55% but Ive had some dry out sooner. They dont need to be burped and they are easier to store. Now I keep most of it in my lung room and if I need to rehydrate any of it I put the open bag in my tent for a few hours. This year I dried my weed in my tent at 60% RH and temp at 60° for 12-14days. Then I clip all the buds off the stems and let it sit in totes, covered for a day or 2 to sweat it. I want the moisture to be at 11% with a moisture meter before putting it in the bags. If I was using jars I would do everything the same before putting it in the jars. Prier years I’d been drying in a shed but I couldn’t keep the temps and humidity under control. it would dry too fast and too hot for 5-7 days. I ruined a lot of good weed. Oh, it still got me stoned as hell but tasted like crap and burned my throat.


Fill a pot with unwatered soil, pick it up and remember how it feels. Water your plants until a bit comes out the bottom, then let them dry until they feel like the unwatered soil. That’s a quick easy way to learn watering.


Yeah, I started watering twice a day. They seem to perk up when lights come on and soil starts to dry. I put them on a shelf to allow for air to get underneath and start to dry. Appreciate the advice. Sorry for the late response. Apparently I am limited on the number of replies I can do. Currently still have them drying out