Need help with this question

I recently had a fungus gnat issue. From the flyers to the larva. I did treatments with Neem oil and hydrogen peroxide not at once but spaced out through a span of two weeks . Hydrogen peroxide I did twice. I know that kills all the beneficial bacteria in the soil so once I stopped seeing traces of the gnats in the soil or flying around I decided to brew a Tea to recharge the soil. My question is I have three plants one is a clone, that are very yellow. Will they regain their color or is there something else going on? Everything was going fine until the gnats attacked​:mosquito::mosquito:
I’m growing in soil,
white widow auto ilgm
2 x 4 grow tent,
viparspectra XS1500 grow
3 fan circulation temperatures are from 71 to 78
Bottled water ph 6.5-7
Dr Earth 4-4-4
Black gold soil

Fungus gnats indicate overwatering. Yellow leaves can be a result of roots being too wet to extract O from the air/soil.

Pictures in white light?

COPY/PASTE the below list into your forum post.

Answer these simple questions the best you can.
If you do not know, or do not use something; Just say so; Or post
NA (non applicable)

  • What strain, Seed bank, or bag seed
  • Method: Soil w/salt, Organic soil, Hydroponics, Aquaponics, KNF
  • Vessels: Pots, Grow beds, Buckets, Troths
  • PH of Water, Solution, runoff (if Applicable)
  • PPM/TDS or EC of nutrient solution if applicable
  • Indoor or Outdoor
  • Light system
  • Temps; Day, Night
  • Humidity; Day, Night
  • Ventilation system; Yes, No, Size
  • AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier,
  • Co2; Yes, No

Always try to upload a clear picture of any issues you may have to allow the community to assist you.

Add anything else you feel would help us give you a most informed answer should be included. Feel free to elaborate, but short and to the point questions and facts will help us help you in a more efficient manner :slight_smile:


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I appreciate it! I knew I forgot something lol (pics)

The last pic is the only one that has not yellowed

  • What strain, Seed bank, or bag seed
    Ilgm white widow auto / big plant bag seed
  • Method: Soil w/salt, Organic soil, Hydroponics, Aquaponics, KNF
    Organic soil (black gold)
  • Vessels: Pots, Grow beds, Buckets, Troths
    Fabric pots
  • PH of Water, Solution, runoff (if Applicable)
  • PPM/TDS or EC of nutrient solution if applicable
  • Indoor or Outdoor
  • Light system
    Viparspectra xs1500 18-6
  • Temps; Day, Night
  • Humidity; Day, Night
  • Ventilation system; Yes, No, Size
    In unsealed tent in 12x8 ft room
  • AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier,
    Ac and humidifier
  • Co2; Yes, No

So I have a few suggestions:

Middle picture shows interveinal chlorosis. The fix is dosing with cal mag.

Noticed you did not provide any PPM/EC numbers: this is really important when container growing. Likely soil is depleted by now and need to supplement but don’t until you get runoff TDS.

You list PH as between 6.5 and 7: does this mean you are using drops or strips? If so; not accurate enough for our purposes. A decent PH and TDS meter will be the most used implements in your grow space.

Do you have air moving across plants? I understand tent is open but still need to run airflow over plants for better respiration.

The light you have is only 150 watts so as such is good for only one plant. You will notice issues in flower with insufficient light.

Hope that helps! @Covertgrower @MattyBear @imSICKkid anything else?


Wow !!You have given me a great amount of knowledge and feedback I really appreciate it!I do have fans and airflow,I’ll post a pic.And I have apara PH 60 tester, forgot the name brand of the TDS pen

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Wow !!You have given me a great amount of knowledge and feedback I really appreciate it!I do have fans and airflow,I’ll post a pic.And I have apara PH 60 tester, forgot the name brand of the TDS pen

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I have another xs1500 still in the box, should I set that one up next to the one in the tent?

You’re close to the point of needing it. I’d probably wait until a week before flower if growing photos and once preflowers form on autos. They don’t need as much light in veg as they do in flower (obviously less light in a 12 hour day than an 18 hour one).

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OK, I kind of wanted to keep the big photo as a mother plant and let the autos go through their cycle. Is that something that will work? Am I on the right track if not what do I need to do to accomplish that?

Or should I remove the mother plant and put her somewhere by herself?Only because she came from a good batch from a friend and there’s no way other then cloning to keep it around LOL

You can keep the photo in veg with the autos if you want to.

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Ok awesome!!But I should definitely hook up the other light correct?

Just when you start to see autos flowering.

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Ok cool!! After I give Cal mag to the photo should I let it dry out a bit?

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@Myfriendis410 what about this one? Could it be a calmag deficiency and overwatering from the treatments?

I also did a soil soak on that one with one part hydrogen peroxide four parts water plus Neem oil a day or so After the first treatment .Monday I watered them all with a Tea that I had brewed for 24 hrs (Dr. earth 4-4-4 fertilizer,some worm castings,about a teaspoon of bone meal, a teaspoon of blood meal and a little kelp meal)I figured that would recharge the soil from the hydrogen peroxide solution

@Holmes can you give me a hand here please? LOL

Where you are in the grow, you won’t see any recovery of the leaves. That is N deficiency which is common on cannabis in flower. The damage I see is just necrotic leaves that need to go. Adding N as a supplement won’t do any good at this point.

I see no sign of overwatering at the time this picture was taken.

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