More or less light?

Ive been growing for about 2 years now. Have had pretty good success after the required newbie screw ups. Can i get some sage advice about light intensity through the grow. What i mean is, more light early, less late? I have a HLG 240 qboard dimable, 120w-480w from the wall. Im in a 4x4 tent indoors. Just looking to get better at it. Ive run autos and now im growin some photos. Thanks in advance.

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You need half of the light needed in flower to do well in veg. Peak light should be somewhere around week 5 or 6 in flower and can be turned down as plant slows down. This helps reduce foxtailing.


Thx, so if i understand your answer, less light in veg, step up in flr, till week five, and start bringin it down.

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Yeah; pretty much. Your results may vary, depending on the plant and conditions but along those lines. I watch for a reduced demand for water (in media) or a stable rez in hydro. That’s my cue to start bringing it down. OR, if foxtails start to show.


This chart does show peak light just before flower initiation but have to understand that this is measured in DLI: Daily Light Integral and to achieve that in flower you have to increase intensity due to the shorter day (12 hour) vs in veg (16 to 18). It also shows high intensity at or around transition.

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Perfect. Thats exactly what i was looking for. Thanks.

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