So Ive had this clone that my friend gave me and I planted it in some organic soil and it sit in a 3x3 tent. I recently noticed this dust like particles on top of the soil and I want to find out what it is before it is too late. Currently the plant looks healthy and is on a 18/6 cycle but I don’t want to hurt its growth with possible bacteria. I also have other plants in the tent and worry it could spread? should I quranteen the plant with the dust on it?
thanks for ant help guys!!
Im not 100% sure as I have grown only a year myself but it looks like starting of mold in the soil. Like it is wet all the time & never gets to dry out.
It look like mold, let it dry for a few day before watering.
im not running a fan because I haven’t got the money to buy the one I want but I will soon but is this the source of my problem?
Hey there @AlmightyHAM, it does look like some sort of mold if you can let your soil dry out almost completely until the pot that you lift up has really changed in how heavy it feels to you and even make a little hole and feel how much that your soil has dried up for you, just let me see if I can get you some other opinions maybe @M4ur @Myfriendis410 can you help out folks please. .
Its mold a sure sign of soil being keeped to wet
Also what are your temperatures in grow space ?
What are you watering schedule and gow do you determine when to water
Thanks CB I just haven’t ever seen or had to experience it so I thought I’d call in some pro’s .
All good @Johnzy81
I’d move some air across the soil which will help but mold is a sure sign that soil is too wet. It’s best to let the plant dry out almost to the point of wilt which is beneficial to the roots.
You could also spray the area with peroxide and water too.
The temperature stays between 67-79 and I don’t have a watering schedule yet because they just got transplanted not to long ago so I’m just checking on the soil make sure it’s not dry but they have not been water at all since being transplanted which has been almost a week
Do you have a circulation fan going in space
If not you should @AlmightyHAM
@Myfriendis410 suggested the peroxide and water that should help as well
This is my first run of seedlings & what helped me the most was watering well more like misting with a pump sprayer like the kind used to wet down your hair. I just got the soil moist & checked on them in the morning & evening. Hope that helps
Everyone has pin pointed your problem…MOLD FOR SURE Do as they recommend and you’ll be fine.
Thanks everyone I appreciate the responses and I will definitely be using the advice with the peroxide @Myfriendis410
and @Countryboyjvd1971im buying a 4" hurricane fan for my 3x3 tent so I hope this solves my airflow problem
As I said; that’s a sure sign of too much moisture. You caught it in time and it will be all good.
Sometimes it’s just the mix. Heck I admit I have had a couple batches of soil not drain with half pearlite
so these are some leaves that I had to take off my plant because they seem to be infected. I was wondering if this could be due to the mildew problem that I was having earlier and if there is a possibility of it spreading to my other plants. This is the same strain as before, Lemon Haze. Im pretty sure it has to do with leaf septoria but was curious to ask you guys and get some advice. Thanks in advance.
Looks like a ph issue to me what is your ph in and out ?
Sorry bro im on and off right now im a little busy at home