Need help identifying something in the soil

The pics arent great but it looks like some kind of mold to me. One thing looks like a root/pipe cleaner sticking up from the dirt. Can anyone tell me what this is and what I need to do to fix it asap!

It’s basically right below the yellow leaf at 5 o’clock.

@Covertgrower @MrPeat @Myfriendis410 @Hellraiser

If you have a Jeweler Loupe scoop some out and look under it. If its mold, you will know. It can look like trichomes, hair like and even a mossy look.


Probably a fungus.


I agree with @Covertgrower looks like some fungus sprouts that was probably already in your soil . I’ve seen growers get full on mushrooms in there pots.


@Watt-Sun @Covertgrower I will be taking some better pictures tonight and using the loupe but is there any chance that it is the roots coming thru the soil? I think the fuzzy looking thing could be a fungus for sure, but the patch part looks…honestly it looks little pistils sticking out lol. Kind of stringy and white. I tried to pull on one this morning before lights out and they seem to be long enough to be buried and I’m kind of at a loss lol. Haven’t ever noticed them until now. Any chance it’s not anything bad and just part of the microbial life of in the soil?

That’s what I would say.

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@Covertgrower do I need to worry about killing it or anything at this point or should I just keep an eye on it and watch for any bad signs on the plant itself? Oddly it’s only in my 2 Skywalker’s and haven’t noticed any on my banner or black widow

I wouldn’t worry about it. Unless you see something causing a negative impact to the plant. Which I doubt.

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