Merry Christmas. A seedling is born on Christmas Day…help please

Tomorrow she will be 2 weeks old. I have only sprayed her dome and a few times in a circle lightly just inside the dome…I had to sorry guys… I think she looks great. This is today

Pic of some from yesterday to show size of dome

Still no water?


Looking wonderful. She can probably survive without the dome now. When you water now, stay a few inches away from the stalk and water a ring around her making her stretch out those roots in search. Looking so much better. A slight breeze, just enough to tickle her leaves, will further strenghten her stalk. Keep it going growmie. Cant wait to see how big she gets.

Awesome! How much water? Yes I’m needy sorry

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Not much at all yet. Maybe a couple shot glasses. Feel her out… you got this!

On the 8th I gave 1/4 cup water - 2 shot glasses. Took off the dome. Just check on her. Looks good but end of leaves perhaps off? I gave her the water at night. Should I give her 1/4 cup again tonight? I did not put near stem. I put where outside of dome left little indent. How do I know how often to water. 1/4 cup seems not much

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Yea you can water a bit more around her. Any leaves that touch the soil will discolor. Either cut them off or tuck them so they don’t touch. Gradually give a little more each time you water. Just remember as long as you follow a drench to drought routine, you really can’t over-water her now. Always let the soil dry out in between watering sessions and you’ll be golden. Always pH before adding. She is looking great btw. You’re doing a great job. Keep it growing growmie!!!

Also, its better to water when she just wakes up. Dome not needed any longer.

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Ph my water? How lol. I just bought a ppm meter.

Watering kills me! So when do I know to give her a water till runoff? I use distilled water

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O ok. pH cannot be performed on distilled water. If you add any nutrients it can be then. So, there is a couple ways to determine when to water. One being the finger test. Run your finger down into the soil to the first knuckle or so. If it feels damp, hold off watering another day. If the top 1" is really dry, water. Second, lift the pot and feel how heavy it is after watering. When the bucket starts to feel light again, water. You will notice quite a difference in weight from one to the other and over time develop muscle memory of how it feels. As far as watering to run off… around 30 days old you should be watering close to a gallon per 5 gal of soil. Enough to get 20% runoff to determine what the ppms of your soil. This will tell you also when to start adding nutrients. Most soils come preloaded to last the first 30-45 days. When your runoff drops below ~1000 ppms, feed. If it’s still above ~1000, next time just water only. Its important to take pH and ppms and record it as it will tell you what she needs for the next feeding session. Maintaining and keeping your pH in range at this stage will be very important so take the time to learn this part. It will determine your success or failure throughout your plants life. Hopefully i covered and explained this well enough, if not, feel free to hit me up anytime.


Pretty sure I understand. I think lol. This watering shit has me! So I’m going to give her half a cup today. Then if feel dry 1 cup in two days. At that point do I still increase. I recall the weight thing from last time and when watered a lot I recall that being a great indicator but perhaps not when only given a cup. I’ll life and see. So half cup today. One cup in two days if dry. Then I’ll keep increasing right? Then day 30 do 1 per gallons of pot she’s in. Isn’t that a drastic increase? You’re the boss. I’m just checking ha

You should give her enough water that in 3 days it should be dry again. Have to experiment a little. Id give her a decent drink now, more than half cup full. See how she responds to it. Its hard to give you an exact amount as i cant know all your parameters, ie drainage rate, lighting, humidity, air flow, etc. Just observe how she looks and if you think she needs a little more water, you can increase it each time. Just let it dry in between. At some point, come that third day youre going to think, you know what i think i need to hold off one more day and see how she looks. Keep me posted.


Can i get your opinion here please.

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Appreciate the tag Grow Bro and will try to help a fellow Grower. FFHF is good for about 30 days with watering only. These types of medium will typically buffer PH…seeing as you’re using Distilled water I would recommend adding some calmag and PH to 6.5. If you don’t have calmag feed the distilled water. The plants look to be approximately 2-3 weeks above ground and would water 2 solo cups full and wait 3-4 days and repeat. In approximately 2 weeks you should start a drench to drought routine. Water the medium to approximately 20% run off and test the PPMs and PH. Feed once that get around 800 PPms and adjust the input PH according to the run off. 6.3-6.8 is a good soil PH range with 6.5 being optimum. PhatPat has you headed in the right direction :love_you_gesture:


Thanks! I did 4 cups last Monday. 1 solo cup equals 2 cups so I did 4 cups. Today as you say I will repeat 4 cups. Today is the 4th day. But dry. I may only go 3 days. Then I drench her. Am I on the right page?

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Yep, sounds like it. Was she starting to droop on that 4th day like she just wasnt as happy or perky as usual? Pictures a few hours after she wakes up always helps.

I’ll grab a pic. My lazy ass has only just arisen. Watering in next hour

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Awesome. I work nights and time for me to lay 'er down. Ill look soon as i wake up in a few hours.

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Here ya go. I think she looks fine. I guess I just feel guilty no water 4 days. lol. Tiny browning but that was there before. IMO she looks good. 4cups? (2solo) then in 4 days draught to drain?


O yeah! I can see she is growing. No need to worry about those lower, three fingered leaves. Youll end up cutting those off anyway. I see positive improvement and on your way to a healthy, happy grow. Next question to decide is to Fim or not to Fim. Just personal preference mostly and what your goals are. Keep up the good work.

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Good morning😴

So last time I did that I didn’t like. I prefer lst. Do I just water 4 cups today or drench? She’s not ready for lst right?

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