Advice for new grower

These are 15 days old. Big Bud photos, started in Root Riot plugs and transplanted on Friday into Happy Frog. Reason I transplanted is because they were very stretchy so I buried quite a bit of the stem but not they’re starting to shrivel some and getting brown spots on the leaves. Any and all help is greatly appreciated!

I already have more seeds on the way because I’m probably gonna count this one as a loss and start over because what I didn’t show is the 3 White Widows that grew to 2 inches tall in the first 4 days after sprouting and never grew another mm and 2 WW that grew a tail but never came out of the plug. But I’d still love to know what is going on for future reference. Thanks!

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Overwatering. Seedlings at this stage only need a couple ml of water a day. Seedlings hate wet feet and cannabis, ,in general, needs wet/dry cycles for good root health.

Welcome to the forum.


Welcome to the community.
Seeing your transplanting into solo cups maybe start them in solo cups one less transplant. Soil needs to be damp not wet; seedlings don’t like that. I wouldn’t trash the grow don’t be feeding nutrients Happy Frog has plenty of nutrients in it for several weeks. Be sure to PH the water.

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When you’re talking about a dry cycle do you mean “there’s no question about it that dirt is DRY” type of cycle? I grew up on a tobacco, corn and soybean farm and so far cannabis is nothing like any of those. Thanks!

Ok I’ll keep that in mind. No nutrients just straight water so far. Too much water I’m assuming. Thanks!

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Close is good enough. If you have to think about it, then you are thinking too hard. Stick your finger in the soil. If it’s dry, then it’s time to water.

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Pretty much, yeah. Some people even wait for the plant to start to wilt from lack of water then water one day earlier next time.
I usually go by the weight of the planter. I use 3 gal fabric and remember what fresh, dry soil feels like weight-wise.
Also, I don’t transplant. I go from sprouted seed to “forever home”.


I use a clear “dome” to cover seedlings and do not water for at least a week or more.

This is a fishbowl. The humidity is near 100% in there.


Also; the fact that you had to bury stems indicates insufficient light. Light is the engine that drives cannabis and without sufficient light the plants will suffer. This includes sprouts.

I normally recommend starting in a neutral medium like coco in a Solo cup with a bunch of holes in the bottom. Slightly damp medium and use a clear Solo cup as a dome. The only watering you would do is to mist the inside of the dome twice a day for the first ten days. Remember that small plants extract their moisture from the air until a taproot develops.

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Thanks! Yeah I screwed up on the lighting right to start with but I’ve got a good one now. Should I still leave the light on 24/0 for a couple more weeks or is it fine to start 18/6?

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Should be on 18/6 Photo’s grow best with a light cycle :v:

Ok. Thanks!

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