Continuing the discussion from Seeding or over watered:
Here a pic
Definitely over watered. Seedlings only need a couple ml per water.
Try to keep all your posts in the same thread. It’ll keep things cleaner around here and make it easier for you to get back to all the information your getting.
What should i do just let it go
You could Get them into a pot that will drain and with some drier soil.
They’re not to big to move with a spoon.
Just leave a bit of the wet soil around them and place in the new pot of fresh.
Give them a few days with a dome over them ( a clear plastic cup or bottle work well ) and only mist the inside of the dome.
Might think about starting a couple more seed too if you have some more.
Ok thanks for all your help just go soil yesterday
Is this good soil
That’s just cow manure.
You’ll need a cannabis friendly soil to start with.
You might try some fox farms happy frog for new starts.
It’ll feed them for the first 4 weeks or so with just water only if you can find it local.
Read a few of the grow guides or a few journals when you get a chance.
Lots of solid info around under that search bar at the top.
And welcome to the neighbourhood.
Wow. The Happy Frog price is up a third vs the last time I bought it.
This is from the ca site.
Sorry folks.
Thanks so both bags are cow manure
Great for mushrooms. Not so much for cannabis.
I don’t see a seedling in those jars. Are they still in ungerminated seed form or have they sprouted and died.
Regardless go to store and buy seed starter soil.
If seed is just germinated or even if not. Spoon out gently on a piece of screen rinse with water and replant in prepared seed starting soil.
To prepair seed starting soil put in a bowl or pail. Put water in it and mix with your hands. Think about making bread mix mix mix till all the soil is moist. Then squeeze as much water out as you can. Put in a container with holes in the bottom. Put a hole in the center with a pencil a half inch deep. Drop in seed and cover with soil. Put in dark place and wait for it to sprout. After it sprouts immediately put under a light. A dome may be necessary at that time.
One is cow manure and the other is “soil conditioner”.
I’m unfamiliar with that brand but I use soil condition like that for raised beds outside with vegetables.
The soil conditioner I’m used to seeing is mostly wood chips and compost.
If that’s what this is then you could maybe mix the 2 well and add some chunky perlite, add even amounts of each.
If you could get something like Foxfarm “ocen forest” or “happy frog” that would be much better.
But if all you got is the soil conditioner and manure it will work if you can make in drain really well by adding something like perlite…
The best soil for marijuana plants is a well draining mixture that’s rich in organic matter.
Thatnks well i did get a sprout out of one of the pots
Thanks for the info one of the jars has sprouted I’m putting four in dirt today got the jiffy pots
Glad to hear at least 1 sprouted.
Thanks I’m dropping 4 today I got jiffy pots
You’ll hear about mixed results with the jiffy pods. There easy to over water too. Just make sure you go slow in the beginning
Thanks i have two with leaves and three that doesn’t have leaves yet