Yeah she’s definitely a weird duck lol leaves going every which way I’ve seen a bunch of plants do this kind of stuff and they will normally grow out of it but this is an auto so I’m not sure what to expect
Thx for feeding me so much great information! I heard about a book called The Secret Life of Plants I need to put in my Amazon cart.
Thank you ma’am I will have to check it out and you’re welcome, that tree talking makes me wonder if I could get better family of plants growing if I did a raised bed or like a water trough in my growroom once I get it built lol my brain gets me into so much
Wish I would have started when it was legalized 12/10/12! I have so many techniques I want to master and stuff to try.
Right now I have a bunch of 1 gallon bags and little clones to fill them so I am thinking of a micro grow of some sort and flip when only 10-12 inches
There’s a guy I follow on here that did a really cool mini grow he trimmed them up to where they were one single straight cola each there was like a dozen or so I don’t know the height but it was something like 12 inches. I’m sure you’ve at least seen him around @beardless hello sir would you mind sharing the link to the grow I’m talking about, if you know the one I’m referring to. Thanks man
I have seen @beardless around. He/she is very knowledgeable and helpful. The one cola approach sound like something I would like to try with all these clones! Given my 1 in 10 prior success rate with cloning I cut 20 expecting 2-3 to make it and now I have 18!!! I don’t want to send them to the compost bin and was looking for a way to grow them all! Thx my friend!
I’m pretty sure he’ll stop by and tag you over I just can’t remember what he called the thread it’s been a few months since he finished the grow
I plan to look through your journal this week and add any links to products if need be. Cannot wait to see what you have going on.
Hey there,
just starting your journal and post #1 I find interesting. I love that you have a method and a plan. this is the kind of thought process more growers need to witness in order to allow themselves to experiment and to also learn that there are so many ideas and habits used by growers over and over. i.e. there is not one way set in stone grow method. Cannabis adapts, and as long as you are consistent, you can succeed.
does thta make sense?
Hello there sir @latewood welcome aboard all are welcome here. I’m a simple guy, I am here for knowledge some days I’ll take some, other days I’ll share it, and on most days I will forget some especially now that I’m getting older. I always try to keep between the lines but I’m sure there’s times I get off track so I’ll apologize ahead of time for any rule breaking (might be a slip of the thumb and cursed) I might have done throughout my journal. Enjoy the read and I welcome any corrective criticism or advice you may have. grow on my new neighbor
It was an enjoyable exercise Sea of Green Acres AK47 & NL Clones
I have 13 purple haze clones from my current grow and am deciding how to grow them out. Some as individuals and the rest in some SOG
Yes sir @beardless I knew you’d come by n share this, I’m not sure if you read above that my northern neighbor Ms @JaneQP has accidentally on purpose created a pile of clones she said she was gonna try some kind of micro grow with em and it reminded me of this great grow you did and wanted her to see it. Thanks alot sir for coming by n sharing
Arrow referred me to Rap’s Sea of Green in cups @JaneQP it is an excellent journal and gave me the motivation / insight to try something I had not done before.
Thank you beardless! You rock.
I am thinking I will do individuals because the time I have available to figure out how to set up a net is limited. I have some soil a’cookin and since my cloning success rate is now 90% instead of 10%, might as well try instead of composting them! Most are GG4, some Tangy Dosidos and one train wreck for sure + a few I cut and didn’t label! Family loves GG4.
This is great! I just took 33 clones and I wasn’t sure what I would do with them all if they rooted. This will work!!
@Brobdab are you going to start a journal? If so will you please tag me! My survivor clones will be going in the tent mid-august and I would love to compare notes with you along the way.
Clones are prolific. No such thing as one clone. I have a bunch of seeds and was not going to take any cuttings from current grow. My thinking changed when I saw how well the purple haze was growing. I picked the right mother plant too.
I will have to do something with these 13 soon. I had been ignoring, underwatering and underfeeding them for better than a month. Since I transplanted them and taking care of them they are taking off
Three of the really nice ones I will grow out as individual plants in coco and autopots. I am undecided what I will do with the remaining nine. It will be some type of SOG. I have to figure out how much space 9 one gallon bags need. Or, I am thinking of a 17 gallon tote. Stay tuned. @JaneQP and Brobdab tag me to let me know what you decide to do.
Should I clone the mutant Gary? Not her fault cats ate her and husband did not turn on lights. My middle kids’ favorite strain - Skywalker OG.
No expert here. But if it has qualities worth duplicating, then yes. For example, I grew some NL. It was a very light producer in terms of weight and was also a small plant, but it had colors and produced crystals like no other. I kept her going for two generations. The last being the single cola SOG
Sorry to see her go.