Hey all,
I was looking for advise on watering my seedlings. Up to this point I’ve been using a spray bottle to spray the very top of my soil near the seedlings. I have them in coast of Maine seed starter soil, in solo cups ≈ 9” under 4/8 bulbs from agrobrite T5, under a humidity dome. Temps move between 70-80 depending on lights out/heat pad on and lights on/heat pad off. And 60%-70% humidity. I germinated in a 24 hr water soak, 6/7 popped and I planted 1/2” -tap root down. Three days later I had babies pushing through. This is the end of week one and they look like the pictures. I had to prop one up and moved a small amount of soil to surround sprout.
I guess long story short, should I give these girls and healthy dose of water, or continue spraying? I guess I should ask what would be an acceptable time to turn on all 8 4’ T5 bulbs, up from the 4 I have rockin now.
As a side note I have a fan ready to go once they out grow the humidity dome. I use the humidity dome to keep the temps consistent which averages at 75 deg’s and 65% humidity.
Thanks for the responses in advance
Continue to spray, I would also cut the bottom off some coke bottles to create a dome to hold the moisture.
Never mind I see the dome comment.
1 milliliter of water a day is plenty at this point. If you are using a humidity dome they’ll need even less water.
And @MidwestGuy how long would you recommend spraying, any tell tail signs I look for to know when to give the grow medium a healthy drink? I just don’t want to over/under water obviously, but I’m assuming the soil is dry below the tap root.
I don’t use fluorescent bulbs so not sure of intensity or height but it looks like the seedlings are stretching quite a bit requiring support due to long underdeveloped stems.
It’s pretty hard to underwater cannabis. Cannabis likes wet and dry cycles. I would say you can take off the dome(s) and consider watering more in a week or so. Even then water should still be measured in milliliters. They’re not going to tolerate a “healthy drink” very well until a good root system is established.
Understood, I’m trying to keep a balance in terms for light and heat, the lower I go, the higher the temps. I found 9” keeps a stable temp between 72-75. I not opposed to trying something else though, I could see what all 8 bulbs do in terms of heat while boosting the amount of light to try to ease that stretch (which I noticed myself, and recently adjusted lights down from 15” to 9” above solo cups.
Thanks for your attention
Do you keep your spray pointed at the base of the sprouts?
What kind of temperature are to getting when u go lower? It recommends 80s but I do get peaks of 100 sometimes but like my wife told me it does get that high outside too.
Yes and sometimes a couple inches away so the roots chase the water.
That is the key and you are doing what needs to be done. Keep an eye on them to see how they react.
Right now @ 9” I get between 72-75, I am limited how low I can go with the dome on. They’re in my basement in Maine so temps in the basement are mid to high 50’s with low as humidity. I could possibly go a few inches lower on the light fixture though if you all recommend. I’m just used to going from rooted clones so this baby process is new to me. I’m learning though lol
Huh 9 inches is really close, Uh maybe add some reflecting material to focus the light.
Well I lowered the fixture to 9” after I noticed the quick stretch while the light was between 12-15”. I was trying to dial in the heat fluctuations by adjusting the light and within days they had just to present height. The stretch has stopped and they seem to be fattening up up top. I would like to get a general breeze on them soon but lol
Ok sounds good. Just experiment to see what works for your situation. I have received advice that worked for the person that advised but not for me. Different conditions
What light(s) will you be using to flower them?
I hear that, I was mainly looking for tried and true watering sprout techniques. I appreciate your feedback, always helpful people in this forum.
After I get them above a foot they’ll be going outside. I’m hoping by mid to late June like I treated my clone grows.