Kinda wilty first leaves not sure why it seems healthy otherwise

I’m in week 4 going into 5 on the 5th and all other leaves look healthy these two have actually been like this since they grew about 2-3 weeks ago and no other signs of anything wrong

Pic of whole plant attached for reference


Nothing to worry about


Remove the leaves with red arrows, bury the main stem with extra soil to the pink arrow level and get the light closer or brighter.
She needs more light and probably a decent watering.


You might have some bugs.
Not exactly sure but noticing spots not common and small white looking things. Not sure just wanted to point out what I could make out from pics.
I would use a jewelers loop or whatever you will be using to check Trichomes and look both top and bottom of leaves.
The lower leaves will fall off on their own.
I’m not saying for sure bugs but I would explore further.
Thrips maybe…

The leaves don’t look completely normal to me with black and white spots

Hope this helps
Enjoy the day

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Ahh I added more soil it’s just the perlite from my ocean forest and a lil bit of soil I couldn’t get it all off lol

U sure about those two that aren’t the cotyledon leaves because they seem fine I mean as far as I can tell it’s not dangerous for her just takes a lil extra energy but if I’m wrong or if it’s highly worth it I’d try it if not I’d prefer to wait until next run I’m pretty new and don’t want to mess with it too early yet since it’s still at a stage where I could accidentally kill it

Thank you my guy I did more research and found out that it’s the cotyledon leaves

Looks good and normal. Healthy looking

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Also I just added a second gallon of soil like a week ago I have to buy more but in a couple weeks will definitely add some


They are fine. Removing them has nothing to do with their health.
Your main stem is stretched out and very thin. By removing the leaves I marked and burying the main stem it will support the plant better plus the trunk will grow more roots from the part under the soil and strengthen the health of the plant. If you dont support it soon its going to fall over. Look at the difference in thickness from top to bottom.

Probably was not enough light during the first 2 weeks or so causing a lot of stretching. Top looks pretty good perhaps because of more light later or it just grew closer to the light and got more. Anyway, if you finish filling the grow bag I think from here out you will be good to go.


Looks great, not to worry