Sorry to keep bugging everyone asking so many questions about stuff but I noticed this this morning anything I need to worry about?
Good Morning. I don’t think you have an issue. You might have gotten some water on that leaf. The rest of the plant looks fine.
Those fall off anyways they are the cotyledons
Looks to me like you may be overwatering let it dry out more between feedings
Thanks everyone and I will let it dry out more before I water again
Snip that deadness off. At this stage in growth less then a quart if water should last 3-5 days.
Thanks I will cut back
Not really. Cotyledons are the small round leaves that emerge first on the plant. The discolored portion is actual leaf.
See em (I’ve got 3 on this plant) underneath the pointed leaves?
This, and also when you do water, water in a wide ring around the plant, not at the base of the plant. That will encourage the roots to grow outward in search of water, and in turn allow her to develop a healthy root network. That ultimately makes her much harder to drown
Lol thanks
That looks like damage from water being left on the leaf
That’s very possible, I might have splashed some on it when watering
Ahhhhh now I see the little guys