Hey all what’s good. I hope everyone had a great thanksgiving. I harvested 2 plants I was growing in a 2.5x2.5x5 and I got like idk 4 zips maybe. They where in 3 gallon pots the entire grow. I didn’t start them I got them in the beginning of flower and I grew them Out to completion. In the meantime I’ve had my ow. Babies growing in a 4x4x7 I’m on my 8tj day of flower schedule and my girls are nice. Very bushy lots and lots of branches. I’ve done some trimming but nothing crazy as I want to see the difference because I always do a lot of trimming but they are never this Bush. I’m thinking about repotting to much larger pot. I have 2 questions about this. If I moved it to a square pot of the same hight would it do me any good or am I wasting my time because roots will only grow down ??? And secondly I have a 15 gallon. Pot that I was thinking about using but o don’t want them to grow to tall. Should I even bother replanting at all at this juncture?? ??? Will it help my yield or will my 5 gallon nursery pots do me just as good.
Personally I would go to 7 gallon fabric pots for better root zone health and after a week; flip them. You are going to be in trouble if they stretch 30% (which they are liable to do).
Hopefully you are in cannabis optimized soil and not something that was not specifically designed to grow cannabis.
I’d start thinking about some means of training by the looks of it, maybe a net or super croping. I think you may run out of head space. What light are you running?
Super crop them girls. Roll that stock a few inches up and down the stock tell it softens then bend it over. Then start tying the other branches down. Wait a few weeks and flip for a lower even canopy
I been super cropping little by little. Im only about 3 feet tall I have 7 feet I also have the one foot extension if it comes to that. I hope it doesn’t. I can always raise the light another 8 inches also from where it is now. I’m growing in coco im keeping my day time temps around 75 and my night time around 65 like I said before I’m in second week of flower I flipped them 8 days ago. I am using flora flex for flower. My first time using it. I used to use fox farms. I just finished my first indoor grow ever. I’m on my second here. I was thinking if I reported it would at least slow the stretch perhaps ??? I don’t want to hurt my yoeld or quality of flower which I hold in highest regard over yield I prefer quality. But I’m going for a substantial crop on this run. I also have some girls that will be ready to join this group in a few more weeks. Uploading: 2ECD2A33-40AA-4253-B20C-5C6429E38677.jpeg… Uploading: 5052DACC-0A6D-45AC-A7A0-35BF06ACD435.jpeg… Uploading: F2AC1FE5-2103-4628-B8B5-FBF94A630422.jpeg… Uploading: EA006043-2408-44E8-A2F2-EF788570AF8A.png… Uploading: B2A2A6BE-8337-40EC-875E-5349067C230A.jpeg… Uploading: 3E675D84-402B-4F7D-B775-4E4B9D534782.jpeg… Uploading: B72EF3A8-B86D-48DC-9D8D-66F75268BCCD.jpeg… Uploading: A0C1C3D1-E21B-47F9-842F-1E0828D7C060.jpeg… Uploading: 32396A67-A808-44BD-B77C-BC3482DC9C86.jpeg… Uploading: 886A9010-5773-468D-9E72-08A8D4D854B1.jpeg… Uploading: 2BF2EF01-6A4D-481C-958B-8D0746CD6AE8.jpeg…
I have a gorilla grow tent with the extension to make it 8foot tall. I’m not gonna run out of room. I’ll grow em outside the tent if it comes to that. Lol. People just gonna have to deal with it now and then. Hahahah. But yeah I hope i don’t though. I’ve been pinching stems though. I’ve grown a bunch outdoors. Just little things about indoors that I haven’t tried yet or what have you. I’m running cool temps. I have hlg550 rspec for flower with uva light bar attached to it. I’m keeping the rh @40% right now as I’m just gonna let it stay on the dry side because I oNot got one humidifier and I got 2 tents I use flora Flex with recharge and mammoth p I also use slf100 plus a dry tent.
Sorry about all the extra pictures. That was an accident I only meant to show you the light and the tent like view where you can see floor to ceiling almost. The other shit is my first indoor grow results and some seeds I found in a zip and some lonely Christmas lightsA bandit breath empty bag and I believe the top of a grow tent idk lol I must of clicked on them when I was searching for the photos I wanted to use.
Ahh you have the same light as I do! How do you like those 660nm red led’s? I grew a gorilla glue auto earlier this year and she gave me 7.5 oz’s off that light turned down too. Dank smoke as well, are you planning on using a bloom booster at all? I used the dry koolbloom from GH and it gave me some fantastic dense buds. I like that you are going after the emerson effect too! Good luck on your grow.
Thanks I was thinking about using some kind of bloom booster maybe. I’m pushing the ppms
On the flora flex pretty high and it’s my first grow using it. I am adding mammoth P with it but that’s just microbes and what not. I was Looking in to terpinator and rock resonator and there’s one I keep seeing on amazon called flower fuel. Idk thoug. if I use a bloom booster would It hurt me and burn my plants by making my mix too hot. I gotta see how they go I guess. I’m keepin my ph at 6 and I’m using all natural organic ph up and down from nectar of the gods. My last grow I used fox farms and mammoth p only in flower. I used it all through my plants life to make sure my colonies are fully formed by the time I need them. I also have 2 of those c02 grow bags hanging in my tent. I’m trying new thing as I just really started growing properly a few months ago. I’ve grown a bunch of plants before but never read a book about it or looked in to it untill a few months ago. So now I’m doing different shit. Thanks for the help by the way I appreciate it so much as I don’t know anyone else who grows in real life. I live in NY so not too legal round here and no place to buy equipment or get information and knowledge. I’m just a life long lover of buds. I love it so much and I love the good good so I needed to start this. It was fait
Those look like some happy ladies! I’m with @Myfriendis410, pot up to a 7 gallon, and do some training to get your light into all those bud sites. 4 ounces out of a 2.5 x 2.5 is a decent harvest, you’re killing it. I can’t remember seeing you on here before, so welcome to ILGM, in case I missed it a bit ago
@123Rosie, I am tuned to watching and am going to tag along, that is, if you don’t mind
I do not mind it would be awesome
If you could. I’m a little new to using forums and don’t know how to tag people
Yet or make my post more visible to users.
@123Rosie, When ever you want to tag someone or respond to them just type the @ and then the rest. For me it would be @repins12. This will notify the person. I hope that helps.
@repins12 thanks bro. I appreciate it.
Anytime, always here to help, if I can. I am new to growing indoors myself. I will tag you into my journal
That’s really cool thanks. I love growing pot. I need to know more but that’s what experiences do for us. Little by little I’ve been becoming more disciplined but it’s been a culture shock almost. Having to change my ways I’m a care free live life by the moment kind of person and growing is very decisive and regimented and before I went indoors I never grew to this level. I never read a book or knew I had to watch the PH of my water. I knew little things like NPK and vege nutes and flower nutes but nothing like what I learned on I live growing marijuana forums. I remember my first time reading a post thinking how do these people know the ppm of the water and the run off and the temp and rh of room these folks are like scientists out of my league here. I couldn’t tell someone all of the information about my grow because I didn’t know my self. So even though I’ve grown like 20 plants before this in my garden in the summers. And I’ve smoked my own weed before this. I’ve never really grown weed lol. I was always a little embarrassed about the weed I grew in my yard and would blame it on bag seed bad genes lol. Now I could tell you almost anything about my environment and my girls even the damned VPD which I kinda go by but I don’t sweat it if I’m a little off and I can’t do too
Much humidity in my vege if I go over 50% rh I start to get PM IM GROWING IN THE BASEMENT
@123Rosie, Been there done that got the t-shirt. I think we all have, anyone that tells you different is not giving you all of the facts , in my opinion. we all have had to have a learning curve, I know that I have and I was a helluva an outdoor grower, I can remember when you could get an oz in Northern Va for 15-20 $$ an oz and I was getting over 100 for my homegrown. This is my first totally indoor grow from start to finish. I have dabbled in it in the past only to sex the plants before I toted them up in the mountain. I have always been trial and error to this point with my guerilla outdoor grows. I told nobody nothing. Ain’t this place great?
What do you think about using a bloom booster along with an aggressive mix of flora flex ?? You think it will mess me up ?
It sure is. I don’t know what I’d be growing without this place. I have bought a few books but the books o my tell you so much I really feel like the forums teach you more than any book could and it’s great to be able to discover this with people who are going through the same things and have the same things going on. I love it. I
Was always a trial and error guy too. Idk I always thought it was fewey all the stuff you see about ph and measuring this and that and microbes but indoors it’s true you need al that stuff. I was surprised and a little nervous like can I handle all this science and meters and stuff but it was a short learning curve a few months to get the grasp of of and now I’m learning more and understanding what I’m learning better and being able to put it in action too.