I have 11 plants going. And a few have 3 plants to a pot. And some have 2. First off. How bad is that? Second. My pants are 8 weeks old today. I will include pictures. And my tallest plant is only 11 inches. What am I doing wrong? I have 600w hps light. I water about twice a week. Any help would be appreciated. It’s my first grow.
Too many plants per pots. Roots are fighting for space, stunting their growth. Ideally you want 1 plant per 5 gal pot outdoor or 3 gal indoor.
Yeah I know. But it was kind of too late so I figured I’d just let them go. I defiantly know it’s a no no.
@NavyVet420 should I just leave them in veg longer?
@Richyb You should just grow 1 plant per pot and harvest more bud. Sometimes less is more, this is one of those times.
You can replant if not in flower, depending if they are Photo or autos.
One plant will dominate the growth. I’ve done the same thing and double planted. It worked out fine but one plant won’t thrive.
If you can, copy and paste and fill out this support ticket to the best of your knowledge. It will help folks assess. I believe that the use of a cannabis-friendly soil and proper pH and ppm maintenance is the key to setting up your plant for success.
Strain; Type, Bag seed, or NA:
Age from sprout:
Age from flower:
What size pots and what type/brand of soil? (FFOF, Coco, Hydroponics)?
How often do I water, how much, and how do I determine when to water:
What is the pH of the water or water/nutrient solution?
What is the PH and PPM measurements of the runoff or solution in reservoir?
What nutrients (if any) are you using, and at what strength (ppms, or dosage percentage), and how often?
Indoor or Outdoor:
Room size:
Light system, size, height from plants:
Temps; Day, Night:
Humidity; Day, Night:
Ventilation system; Yes, No, Size:
AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier:
Co2; Yes, No:
Any other info you think is pertinent:
Strain; Type, Bag seed, or NA: bag seed
Age from sprout: 8 weeks
Age from flower:
What size pots and what type/brand of soil? (FFOF, Coco, Hydroponics)? 3 gal cloth. Ffof
How often do I water, how much, and how do I determine when to water: about 2 times a week. 2 gallons. I put my finger down to the 2 mf nuckle. If dry I water.
What is the pH of the water or water/nutrient solution? Don’t have ph tester. I use nutrient ph balancer.
What is the PH and PPM measurements of the runoff or solution in reservoir? Not sure.
What nutrients (if any) are you using, and at what strength (ppms, or dosage percentage), and how often? Ph perfect technology grow micro bloom
Indoor or Outdoor: indoor
Room size: 2x4
Light system, size, height from plants: 600w hps about 30 inches give or take.
Temps; Day, Night: 90/80
Humidity; Day, Night: not sure
Ventilation system; Yes, No, Size: yes. 6 inch duct.
AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier: no. Fan.
Co2; Yes, No: no
Any other info you think is pertinent:
@NavyVet420 they are not in flower yet. I have 20/4 light cycle going at the moment. I’m scared to replant and destroy root system. They been going 8 weeks already.
What’s your media ?
Just cut the smaller ones down and let the biggest nicest one thrive!!! Just my opinion or you can try to get them to grow like they are.
8 weeks
I would treat it like you only have 5 good size plants to flip into flower as they are.
I wouldn’t struggle with them now it’s been 8 weeks because even if you separate them how much longer will you veg them… or possibly damage them and end up with nothing.
Forget you have 11 and move on with flipping with 5 good size plants in mind.
Dont get too attached there is a better grow waiting for you and you will still get some good bud if you flip
I thought even though it was pH perfect you still had to adjust the pH at the beginning when you first add the nutrients in the water
Forget you have 3 root systems.
Look at this as 1 plant… it’s a good size to flip
Good luck with your grow
I would flip them move on. Get good seeds online with money saved from these plants budding out. Here is what they would kinda look like if they werent fighting eachother for root space.
u can fill that tent with 2 plants good genetics in 6 weeksHi - pick up a digital pH and ppm meter. I use the cheap ones on Amazon. Most will recommend spending a little more on the pH meter than the cheap ones. I need to constantly calibrate mine. The cheap ppm meter has never needed to be calibrated, I wouldn’t splurge on that…
Managing pH and ppms is the solution that will put you on the path. The pH of your water going in should be 6.5. If you add nutirents, after you add them, pH to 6.5, When you water and measure the runoff you want it to be around 6.5 and 1000. Fox farm soil is loaded with nutrients and I’ve read many people go without nutes until flowering. I suspect you’ll find the pH off and ppms high when you measure. You will need to get that in line. Flowering plants don’t tolerate bad pH and ppms . Good luck! you can do this!
Also pick up some pH up and down.
I am of the school of thought that more room for root system equals healthier plants and much better yield. I see that you recognize the error, so just try to give them your best and give your girls a bigger apartment to live in next grow.
@GreenCoat well when I got home I looked at my babies and seen I have one girl!! So far lol and idk what you mean by forget I have 3 root systems and look at it as one plant? I just changed my lights today. I’m going gradually from 20/4 to 12/12 by 2s every other day. I’m going to change the bulb once I’m at 12/12. And I did a little defoliation on one plant. First time. So if it comes out okay I’m going to do the rest. Going to give it a couple days to heal and see how she starts doing. Uploading: C2C3F35E-2B9F-46B3-BF05-E3AFFB8FF220.jpeg…
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