Strain: (2 bubble gum kush feminized & 2 random)
How many plants: (4)
Age from Sprout: (sprouted on october 1st "ish"2017)
Soil in pots, Hydroponic, or Coco / Brand and type of Medium & Size of Pots: (pro mix organic vegetable and herb)
How often do you water and how do you determine when to do so? I water every 4 to 6 days. (I either stick my finger in the soil a coulple inchs or i feel the weight of the pot. If its dry and light, i water.)
PH of water and runoff or solution in reservoir: ( i am using ph strips that only go down to 6.2 but from what i can see i put in at about 5.8 - 6.2 and the run off is always lower. Gonna order a ph tester when i make some doe.
What is strength of nutrient mix? EC, or TDS: ??? What is this lol
What brand and products of Nutrients are you using? Strength and how often? ( General hydroponics micro,grow & bloom. I am also adding some vegan plant booster from GH of course. and a bit of sugar shack(maple syrup-carbohydrates im not giving them to much(mild vegetative) and i only feed them when they look healthy and in good shape.)
Indoor or Outdoor:( indoor)
Indoor type and size of grow area or tent? Big walk in closet.
Light system, size and height from plants: (400 watt Sun System digital grow light (MH) & (HPS)
Temps; Day, Night: day: 24- 26 night:19-20
Humidity; Day, Night:n/a feels humid but gonna get a monitor asap
Ventilation system; Yes, No, Size: not really lol
AC, Humidifier, De-humidifier: no
Co2; Yes, No: window
I just want to grow some sticky dank sexy kush