Thanks, still trying to just keep a proper environment; hopefully the last significant pruning until harvest…got some decent airflow and the stretch has stopped, so we shall see
Gorgeous grow! Plants are amazing!
@Mozzy — Masterful !
@Mozzy — I’m at Day 47 and Day 32 of flowering. What should I aim for regarding RH and temperature — during dark and light cycles — at this point? Like many places, we’re in a deep freeze, and I’m getting nervous, but things are progressing nicely with three of four of my GDP Autos. The fourth is a runt, but she’s pushing out some nice-looking bud sites.
Any pictures?
They are dependent on each other…see where you are at currently on the VPD chart (doesn’t need to be exact). Ideally night/day doesn’t swing more than 10 degrees.
@Mozzy — I recently overwatered the runt, so I’m letting her dry out now.
Here are some current snaps.
Very nice!
I don’t miss watering issues before I started using SIPs, so I can empathize. What’s your current Temp/RH in there?
Current PPFD/DLI (18/6?)?
Currently 70.1 F, humidity is low — 40 RH. My AC Infinity humidifier and fans aren’t helping me keep it stable.
Seems fine based on the chart and where you’re at…colder temps can slow growth.
@Mozzy — Much appreciated, my friend.
@Mozzy — Yes, PPFD/DLI is 18/6.
@Mozzy — Those buds are looking tay-steeeeee!!!
@Mozzy — What has the flower stage range been with your autos? I’m at four weeks and a day on my GDPK autos and expect another 4—7 weeks. Does that sound reasonable-ish to you?
I don’t really track it separately with the autos I grow, but probably 8-10+.
It also just depends what you want for final harvest…this is a pretty good reference:
Environment and genetics can impact how long plants take to get to your ready point…some of it is just a guessing game the first few times. My last few plants took 100 days from sprouting to get this point: