How many autos in a 4x4?

From the general research i did 6 wasnt too many but from what i gotten from some elsewhere 6 is too crowded and should do 4. Whats the reality of what you all are doing and thoughts please?

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Depends kinda of what strain you’re growing. Sativa’s tend to be more lanky and tall, where Indica’s are more squatty and bushy. In my 4x4 I only do max 3, only because it’s a pain to reach all the way in the back to water them. But you can fit 4 in there if need be. I wouldn’t attempt 6, that’s gonna be tight.


I have a 4x4 that opens from 3 sides. 6 was fine, I currently have 7 in there started with 9 took 2 out.


Nice. What tent are you using? My only opens from the front.


I believe 3-4 but it depends on growing methods. Hydroponic setting plants grow faster and bigger for me than soil. I put 8 in a 4x8 and it was like a forest. They grew so fast they got out of control and I will only do 4 next time. Good luck, no matter your decision you will have a great grow I’m sure.
Welcome to the community of helpful growers. These guys will make your grow successful. Nothing like experience!


Very true, I only grow in coco nowadays and my girls tend to take off rather quickly. I haven’t tried more than 4 in my 4x4 only because I’m afraid it will quickly become too much.

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I have and ac infinity and it opens on 3 sides. I plan on running coco with high frequenct fertigation. I plan on running 2 resivoirs due to want tin to run 2 strains at a time.


I have 8 in here:


Vivosun 4x4x8. If I were doing photoperiod I would probably go with a max of 5. Only because I like to top. Autos I push the limits.


This was 8 in my 4x4x8 tent.


No wasted space there.


Nice @John7 . Awesome grow!!!

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so what would 1 suggest for my first grow 6 (3 x’s 2 different strains) or 4 (2 x’s 2 different strains)? Also I’m second guessing if i should do autos for my first grow or should i go with photos for my first?

I would go photos first just because you have more control over the grow. Autos have a mind of their own and can mess your timing up. By timing I mean mainly drying, trimming and curing cycles. I like to stagger them so I can ensure I have enough time to properly trim, dry and cure each plant.

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@Highwayman420 now this isn’t questioning your suggestion but more adding to the picture i guess to say. i have already bought the 2.2 gallon air pots and most everything along with “plan” to go with autos (due to all my initial research i did said they was great for beginners lol.). so i don’t have all pots etc. for all the different stages. so i guess i set myself up to go the auto route is what I’m saying, do i just scrap that “for now” and buy more pots and whatever else i need that may be different or just jump into the autos and learn?

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You learn from photo. Auto not the best place to start in my opinion.

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@Storm I’m respectfully taking in everyone’s advice 100%, that’s why I’m here asking for proper direction. i wasn’t sure if since i had most everything bought for the auto route if i should just stick to it since I’m this far in already or change my plan.


@Storm also how much longer (in reality) are photos to the “average” genetically good auto to finish (ik auto have a mind of their own etc. that’s why i used the term “average”)?


If you’re set up for auto and that’s what you’ve been reading up on I’d just go that route. I’ve never grown an auto so I honestly have no idea what they need or don’t need. No matter which route you take just take some notes, have some fun, don’t fret about every little thing they do or don’t do, and read as much as you can about growing. Other than that just sit back and have fun. It’s all a learning experience. Also welcome to the grow fam.


You can rush a photo and be done in less than 100 days. Autos look around averaging 90 to 100 days but some go wierd and 140 days